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Quick authors note...

Mkay so I'm at a friends house, and don't feel like making any drama or anything. So this will basically be pure fluff . And it's really short too.


~Liam's P.O.V~

I woke up yawning loudly, a huge smile plastered on my face. I can't believe I just had sex with Niall Horan.

When I first talked to Niall, I knew that I'd fall for him. And I did.

But what I never would've guessed, is that I could have him with me in my arms, our bodies pressed together creating an ecstatic heat. It's... Perfect. So perfect it's hard to believe.

I feel him stir in my arms a bit, making some adorable grunting noises. I hold onto him tightly, looking down at his breath taking pure skin.

His eyes flutter open, and once again I'm amazed by his stunning blue orbs. He smiled the most breathtaking smile, so breathtaking I felt I needed water.

"Hey Li." He said, in a surprisingly deep morning voice. His Irish accent filled my ears with joy, and he had me smiling within seconds.

"Good morning beautiful." I said, admiring his now flushed cheeks. I love it when he blushes. His blush makes my day ten times better. He makes my day a million time better.

He makes my whole life better.

I brushed my finger over his face, feeling the warmth in his cheeks. It sends shivers up my arm, just like every time we touch. I love this feeling. No one will ever take my baby away from me. If anyone even tries to take him from me, well lets not get into me killing someone.

"I love your blush Niall. I love you. You're... You're amazing." I said, cupping his cheek ever so slightly.

"Why? Liam I know you say you love me, but I don't see why. There's not one thing about me to love." He said, frowning a bit.

Well that threw me off. How could he think that about himself?

"Niall..." I said, bringing his chin up with my ffinger. "You are my everything. Niall to be honest, I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for you. I would've killed myself the day we met on omegle, if we didn't meet. You're so beautiful, it's hard to look at you without just smashing our lips together. Your dyed blonde hair that's so easy to run my fingers through is nothing I've ever experienced before and I love it." I could see tears forming in his eyes, but I just kept going.

"Your cute little button nose is so adorable, better than a babies. And that's hard to beat love. Your lips... oh my god your lips. They're the softest things in the world, and they're so kissable. Hard to resist even. And your eyes Niall, they're memorizing. I can't describe how beautiful they are. Every time I look into them, I feel like I get closer to you. I get lost Niall and seeing you look at me makes me think you love me too. I could go on but baby, that'd take me years. I would go on, but I rather spend time embracing all these things, then talking about him. Niall James Horan, aka my middle name buddy, I love you. And if you ever insult my boyfriend again, I'm going to have to say no kisses. For a minute."

I finished, and by now he was balling. He clutched onto my bare stomach, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"I I l-love you too L-Li" I heard him stutter into my chest.

"Niall babe stop crying." I breathed. I didn't mean to be mean to hhim but I can't stand hearing him cry. Even if he's happy crying, I can't stand his crying.

He looked up at me, tear stains on his eyes. Once I thought he was finished crying, one more tear left his right eye.

I reached up to where the tear had fallen, and wiped it away cautiously. "Niall... Food?"

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