The anniversary (part 1)

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Short authors note:

Sorry it took so long for me to update I'm a horrible person ah :( Life is getting really stressful :/

But anyways, I promise you guys that I'll update more. Even though the story is almost done!!

D: it pains me to see it come to an end!


But you knew that.

MKAY so this chapter is going to have a recap, because I was bad and didn't update for a while.

Also... This is probably going to be really long lol

Enjoy smiley face ex

((Insider. ))



_liams pov_

We each had like ten bags on our arms, because you know... Rather break an arm than make two trips.

I chuckled slightly at my stupid corny joke, then ran upstairs, Niall on my heels.

I laid down on our bed, then patted my stomach when Niall got to the room.

He smiled, then laid on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his body as if it were an instinct, and sighed happily.

"I know I tell you this a lot, but I love you baby." I said to Ni, as I gave him small Eskimo kisses.

He smiled and Eskimo kissed me back, replying to what I said.

"I love you too Lili."

-------- RECAP OVERRR! hope that was enough for you XD------

Nialls PoV-

"Ni wake up!" I heard Liam scream from a distance

"Eh go away" I muffled into my pillow.

I really did not want to get up at the moment, because let me tell you our new bed, it's like heaven. Literally.

"But I have a surprise for you!" I heard Liam once again, but this time he was much, much closer and I could smell bacon.

As soon as the lovely smell of gorgeous bacon, (yes I just called bacon gorgeous) hit my know, my eyes shot open in a millisecond.

As soon as my eyes opened, I was astonished.

There was food on my lap. All types of it too. But there was two plates.

"Aw Li... You didn't have to.." I said, eyeing the bacon with my mouth wide open.

I heard a chuckle then felt a dip in the bed, but I didn't say or do anything about it because somehow my eyes were glued to the bacon and they weren't coming off of it.

"I know I didn't have to love, but I'd do anything for you. Especially on our anniversary."

"Shit," I mumbled, my mouth full of bacon. When did that even get there... God I have problems.

But the one I'm mainly focusing on now... Is that I forgot my own damn anniversary! I didn't even get Liam anything!

"Nialler baby, it's okay. I don't need a present. You're good enough for me." Liam said, then planted a loving kiss on my check.

"Liam, why are you so god damn amazing? What did I ever do to deserve you!?" I said, again having food shoved in my throat. I didn't even know what it was until I looked down and saw a huge bite out of my pancake.

I heard him chuckle, then he intertwined our fingers and sat our hands on my leg.

"Niall, you've done everything to deserve me. You're perfect in my eyes, you're bloody adorable, and there's so many more things I could say. But, that's reserved for later this evening." He said, then smirked and got out of bed.

I was really confused, and I was about to ask Liam what he meant when he beat me to it.

"Don't ask, just eat. And meet me downstairs when you're finished."

As I heard his footsteps get quieter and quieter, all if could think about was that delicious bacon.


I wiped all of the crumbs off of my shirt, grabbed my little tray and plates , then began to walk downstairs.

As I ran down the stairs, probably a bit too fast, I tripped on the carpet.

I almost fell and broke something, but instead I caught myself. Thank god.

But there was thing that was broken.... The plates.

"Shit... I mumbled, getting on my knees and picking up the mess, trying to make sure that no one knew what happened.

But it obviously didn't work.

Thirty seconds passed and I had three anxious bodies surrounding me asking me if I was okay.

"Ni are you okay baby!?" My mum, and Liam said at the exact same time. I thought that was super cute, so I smiled widely and shook my head yes.

"I'm fine, I just broke some plates..." I said, looking down feeling a bit ashamed of my clumsiness.

I heard a chuckle, then saw Liam bend over in front of me and start picking pieces up.

"It's okay Ni, we just have to clean it up quick because we've got reservations in about twenty minutes."


"No no you all go! We'll clean it up." I heard one out of the our two moms say. I didn't really know which one it was... They were both becoming so alike!

"Thanks guys," Liam said, grabbing my hand and helping me up, "see you later!"


We both smiled and walked out, hand in hand.

"What are you planning mister!?" I asked Liam, trying to pull off a cute voice.

I felt him twitch a bit, but then he let go of my hand and open the passenger seat of the car door for me.

"It's a surprise so don't even try to get me to tell you." He said, chuckling a bit as I got in the car.

I shut my door, Liam got in, and we were on our way to god knows where.

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I felt something tap my shoulder, and I woke up from my nap that I didn't even know I took.

I opened my eyes, and I was laying on a field of multiple flowers, Liam next to me smiling at me.

"D-did I fall asleep? Where are we?" I asked, looking at Liam a confused expression on my face.

"Yeah you fell asleep love," he answered, running his fingers through my hair and smiling at me softly, "and we're here to have a picnic."

A picnic!?

"What? Where's the food?" I asked, joking around but being seriously at the same time. If that makes any sense.

He chuckled and pulled a basket from behind him, god knows how I didn't see it before.

I smiled widely, and opened the basket too see something that literally took my breath away.


Sorry it's super short, but I felt like leaving a cliff hanger because I can :')

What do you think it is!?

The world may never know.

Well until I update again xD

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