Confiding? Part2

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~ Liams P.o.v.~

I can't believe I told a stranger my secret. I told him what happened last night. I was just sitting there, in shock because I can't believe.I told him that...

'Liam I know exactly how you feel. Broken... Scared. I bet you've had suicidal thoughts. Don't worry... You're not the.only one. We can get each other through this.'

What? What does he mean? How does he know? Oh my gosh... Is he in a situation like me? No... probably not. He's probably just trying to make me feel better. I sigh and decide to make sure....

'Niall... What do you mean?'

I sat there for about 5 minutes, staring at the screen waiting for a reply. I was about to give up when, 'click' I got an email.

I opened it, and there was an attachment. As in... A picture.

I clicked on it, ready for just about anything. Or so I thought.

When I saw the picture... I was in complete shock. I did not expect this.

It was a picture of the most adorable person I've ever seen... With his shirt off.

I was too busy looking at his beautiful face, but I finally looked down his body.

Words. Words like 'fag' and 'ugly'. But they all revolved around one big word. 'Bobby'.

Then I look at the words he sent me.

'My "dad" did this. He took a knife to my skin and carved all those words on my stomach. They'll always be there.'

Oh my gosh. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Who would ever want to do anything like that to someone as... Mesmerizing as Niall?

'Niall you're... You're beautiful. And as of the cuts.. I'm so sorry for you... I... oh my gosh that's horrible Niall...'

'Dont call me beautiful. I dont like it when people lie to me. And Don't feel bad for me liam... I'm pretty much used to it. The beating happen pretty much all the time. Everyday almost.'

Wow. Now the tears are spilling down my face. I can't believe this. I suddenly feel the urge to run to ireland and just... Hug him so tight... Showing him how afraid I am to let him go.

I never really did believe in love at first site. Until now. I think this Irish lad has.. Stolen my heart. I really do think I... I think I love him.

'Niall. I'm not lying. I've been talking to you for 2 days and I've seen one picture of you and I already know you're perfect. Don't you ever think otherwise. And as for the beatings... Just please stay strong okay? I will if you will.'

'Wow Liam that's... That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. And I'll try.'

'No... You have to promise. If you doo... Maybe I'll send a pic of me with my shirt off :)'

There ya go... Try to lighten the mood. Good job Liam.

'Haha okay. I promise.'

Well... I'll give him that picture now.

Hell... What can it hurt?

I take my shirt of, and turn on the webcam.

I flex my muscles as the camera snaps a pic.

I look at it and approve, then send it to niall.

About 5 minutes later, he replied.

'Holy shit. I'll be right back I think I'm gonna die from an overdose of PAYNE killers ;)'

I chuckle slightly at his corny joke.

'Haha very funny.'

After that, we ended up talking for four hours. We told each other the whole background to our family problems, and we joked around a lot.

At one point, we were talking about our bodies. It was actually pretty... Hot.


Tehe!! This was a really short chappie... But oh to the well!! Oh and by the ways... I'm really lazy so instead of telling you that this is an authors note... You can just figure it out yourself by seeing that line up there^^^^^^^

Mkay bye :)

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