Chapter 9~

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Niall's P.O.V~

We were getting ready to go on stage, the girls were getting ready too, they haven't been here, in Florida, long at all but they no the dance moves to Live While we're Young, Kiss you, Heart Attack, She's not Afraid, Still the one and C'mon, C'mon perfectly, but they practiced while we were doing sound checks and stuff, they really were brilliant. Amy and Áine weren't coming, something came up at home. James was coming to the concert tonight, he was here now, helping the girls practice. It was about an hour until the concert started and they would start allowing people in in about twenty minutes.


Louis ran out on stage, followed by Liam, Harry, Zayn and myself. The screams got louder as more of us appeared on stage, "Hello, Florida!" Harry yelled into the mic, huge screams, "OK, we'll sing you a few song and then take Tweets from the fans," Louis explained, "First of all, I would like to introduce our amazing dancers, Kirsty, Anna and Lauren," Louis says as he points to the girls behind us. "Anna's twin brother is here today also," Louis continued, "Come out here!" he motioned James to come on stage, but he wouldn't, he was in the wings watching, "Fine then!" Louis said, he walked over to the wings and grabbed James' wrist and pulling him on stage, the crowd screamed like mad, "See! They love you! Oh, this guy's name is James!" Louis exclaimed, he handed James the microphone, "Hi, um...I'm James, Anna's brother, and well, yeah?" he said, the last part coming out as a question. The crowd were going crazy for him, after he went back into the wing, we started singing What Makes You Beautiful.

You're insecure, Don't know what for,

You're turnin' heads when you walk through the do-o-or,

Don't need make up,

To cover up, bein' the way that you are is en-ou-ou-ough.

Liam started singing the familiar tune, the crowd singing along, hitting all the notes. Impressive.

When we finished the songs we decided to do the questions from Twitter part, a tweet came up on the screen behind us "Are you currently single, if u are, do u have your heart set on anyone special?" Zayn read aloud, "Well, boys? I am not going out with anyone at the moment and Perrie Edwards from Little Mix is cute," Zayn answered the questions. "Single and ... yes," I say the last part quietly, "I am with the leprechaun," Louis said, walked over to me and sat beside me on the steps, "I'm with Danielle," Liam smiled, "I'm single, and no one in mind," Harry says, in his deep voice. The arena went mad. We finished the Twitter part and were messing around on stage, one of us commented on Louis moustache and beard that Lauren had drawn on earlier, "Oh, yes!" Louis started, "The marker on my face, it's permanent, and was drawn on by our good friend Lauren, wasn't it Lauren?" Louis continued, she nodded cheekily, when the concert was over we headed backstage, "The crowd loved you!" I told James, "Yeah, like, really loved you," Louis added, "Seriously?" he asked, doubting us, "Didn't you hear them?!" Zayn laughed, "Yeah, they were pretty crazy out there for you," Lauren says as we walked down the corridor towards the exit, the bus was parked outside, but Paul went out before us to make sure there were no fans out there, "It's good," Paul said, waiting for us all to exit before he did, when we got on the bus he made sure we were OK, he locked the windows and door and left, me and the lads went to bed "Where are you gonna sleep, James?" Liam asked, "I'll probably share with you three, that OK?" he asked the girls, they nodded "Goodnight," he said and closed the door after us.

Lauren's P.O.V~

When the boys were gone to bed we sorted out the sleeping arrangements, the sofa was in 2 'I' shapes, so two on either 'I' and two on the other, Kirsty and I shared and so did the two twins, Kirsty checked her phone, her face went into shock, "Am...Kirs, what's wrong?" I asked nervously, she didn't answer, I just took the phone out of her hands, "Stay away, I'm warning you, they're mine, I'll get you, just a matter of time." I read aloud, "Don't tell Louis," Kirsty pleaded, "I think we need to," Anna said, "No! Please, he won't like it, you saw what happened last time! Please!" she begged, "I know this is none of my business, but you say this has happened before? I think you have to tell the boys, and maybe even the police." James stated, "No!" Kirsty protested, the conversation was getting louder and louder, the boys came out of their room and turned on the light, "What's wrong?" Tom asked, "N-nothing," Kirsty stuttered, I handed Louis her phone, she lunged for my hand to stop me but it was too late, "Louis pl-" she was cut off by Louis "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS WAITRESS!" he screamed, "Don't jump the gun, Louis, how do you know it was the waitress?" Niall asked, "Who else would it be?!" he yelled. "L-Louis, calm down, i-it's OK, I'll be f-fine," Kirsty said, holding back tears, "No, it isn't OK, and you're not fine," he said, "you're crying," he finished, he sat beside her and pulled her into a tight embrace, "I'll keep you safe," Louis says, rocking her back and forth, rubbing her back. She sobbed into his shoulder, they looked so cute together. Louis started humming Little Things to try calm down Kirsty, that was her favourite song, by the end of the song she fell asleep in Louis' arms, he lay her down a pulled a blanket over her, he kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, love," he whispered and headed back into the bunks, the rest of the boys except James followed, we were all in a bit of shock, Louis is really scary when he's mad, but seriously, those two are a match made in heaven, Louis is able to comfort her so well, she calm down instantly when she's in his arms and when he hums to her. I thought about it for awhile, I have a plan, once my plan was in place, I could rest in peace.

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