Chapter 8~

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Niall's P.O.V~

After we got off the plane, Anna was talking to someone on her phone, when she hung up, she exclaimed "Hey! My twin is coming for a few days while we're in Orlando because they live here! I can't wait for you to meet 'em!" "Oh, great, another Anna," Kirsty said sarcastically, "Changing the subject, let's get food, I'm hungry!" Anna whined. We entered the airport and we spotted Dunkin' Donuts, "Let's go there, I've ever been there before," Anna said, as she walked towards the store, we all followed, we all got beverages, mainly milkshakes, then we had a rehearsal, which would be the first time we would see the girls dance. When we arrived at the stadium we had a sound check while the girls learned their first routine. Then when they had their routine learned, they perfomed it with us, they are amazing. After the song, which was, Live While We're Young, the boys and I walked over to the girls. "Wow, I didn't know Simon had got us that good dancers!" exclaimed Harry. The girls all blushed. "You guys are amazing!" I said excitedly. "Aw, thanks," Anna thanked. After that, we went out for dinner, but before that the girls went back to the tour bus and got changed.


At the dinner Zayn asked about Anna's twin coming, "So, your twin is coming here for a bit?" "Yup!" Anna replied, "What're they like?" Zayn asked, clearly interested in getting a girlfriend for himself, "Well...just like me, I suppose...but doesn't wear skirts!" Anna laughed. "Kirsty wasn't joking when she said another Anna, was she?" Zayn joked. Anna just laughed a bit, "When is your twin coming?" Zayn questioned, "Tomorrow, around...two o' clock, I'm presuming..." Anna answered. Just then the waitress came to take our orders, and I noticed her giving the girls dirty looks, but I didn't say anything hoping the girls didn't notice.

Kirsty's P.O.V~

When the waitress asked for orders she was giving Anna, Lauren and I nasty glares, she even stared at us when she was taking other people's orders and when she was at the counter. I pulled my phone out and text Anna and Lauren on a group chat, I text them to come to the bathroom to discuss something, after they pulled out their phones and saw the message I asked them "I'm going to head to the ladies room, do you guys wanna come?" They didn't reply, they just followed me into the toilets, once we were in I closed the door and made sure no one was in the stalls, "Did you see that waitress?" I whisper-yelled, "Yeah! I thought it was only me!" Anna whispered back, "So, what should we do?" I asked, "We just be nice, then the press have nothing bad to say about us except rumours." Lauren said enthusiastically. When we got back to the table, our food and beverages had arrived, we also had fortune cookies because it was a Chinese diner, "I think this one's for you, Kirs," Harry said as he handed me a fortune cookie with my name written across it, I opened it and it read "Touch any of those boys and you're dead" I got a bit of a shocked and I passed it to the two girls, they read it and handed it back, "What's going on?" Niall asked, "Nothing, just-" I started, but Niall cut me off, ripping the miniture piece of paper out of my grip, when Niall read it, his face just dropped, Louis peeked over Niall's shoulder to read what the note said, "Who said this!?" he screamed, "Louis, it's okay," I reassured him, "No! It's not okay, Kirsty! I need to know who did this!" he yelled loudly, I looked over to waitress, she was staring at me again, I just smiled at her, "Louis, calm down, let's go, it'll be okay," I assured him, we all left the diner, the waitress still glaring at us as we exited, when we got back to the tour bus Louis was still raging, I had never seen Louis Tomlinson angry, he was always making jokes, but not now, I know usually dancers and the band had a seperate bus, but there was only the nine of us including Tom, the boys and us, the boys wanted us to share a bus with them for some reason. We had to sleep on the couches, but we didn't care. In the other buses were people such as, Paul, Josh, who was the drummer, Dan, the guitarist, all the stage directors and the dance instructors and so on. But back to Louis, he was furious, "Do you have any idea who did this?!" He asked raged, I fumbled with my thumbs, "The waitress," Niall said, "What?" Harry questioned, "The waitress, she was giving the girls dirty looks," Niall answered, "That little--" Louis began, but Liam cut him off, "Language!" Liam warned, "Sorry, Liam," Louis apoligized, "I'm just so annoyed!" he said, running his hands through his hair, as you do when you're annoyed. "I'm going to kill that...disgraceful creature!" Louis screamed. "Louis, it's so sweet that you care so much, I really apprieciate it, but, why do you care?" I asked, "Just ... looking out for our girls," Louis replied, fidling with his thumbs. "Let's have a movie marathon!" Lauren exclaimed, "Um, sure," everyone agreed, "I'll help you get the movies, comedy or ...depressing?" Tom asked, "Sad, I like them," Lauren answered as they strolled down the bus, everyone else got blankets and tissues, for the girls, as Niall got food, "Are you bringing the whole fridge?" Zayn asked, jokingly, Niall emerged from the kitchen, "You can get a portable fridges!?" he exclaimed, Zayn just rolled his eyes and sat down and pulled a blanket over his body. Lauren and Tom came back with 'Marley and Me', 'Woman in Black', 'Grown Ups', 'Pitch Perfect' and loads of other movies, "Sad movie, scary movie and loads of comedies to make everyone happy again." Lauren said, laying all the movies on the table, she put 'Marley and Me' in the DVD player, "Wait a sec, I'm getting changed into PJ's!" Lauren exclaimed, heading to get her bag, Anna and I went after her. The boys got changed too. Lauren came out in a purple onesie that had 'Dance' written across it, I was wearing a pink onesie, and Anna was wearing an American print onesie, the boys were also wearing onesies, Liam was wearing a blue one, Zayn was wearing a green, Louis was wearing a red onesie, Harry was wearing a white one, Niall was also wearing an American print onesie and Tom was wearing a black onesie, we all walked in at the same time and just looked at each other, "Onesie party!" Lauren screeched and jumped on the couch, Louis grabbed the remote and sat down, we all cuddled up with blankets, and I'd say the fans would be so jealous if they knew, when the part where Marley died came on, Anna, Lauren and I all started bawling. Even the lads shed a tear or two, "Who else needs a hug?" Lauren asked, everyone raised their hand, "Group hug!" Lauren exclaimed, sadly. After the group hug was the scary movie, Woman in Black, "I do not deal well with creepy movies," Anna said, as the movie was starting, "Cuddle buddies!" Lauren exclaimed. "Ok, you know what they call me," Liam stood up and said, "The love whisperer," he whispered dramatically, "No one," Niall started, "calls you that," he finished, whispering like Liam just did. "Whatever, you know I mean! Cuddle buddy pairs, and Louis, Um.... Niall and Anna, and then Tom and Lauren, and me, Hazza and Zayn will go together! Won't we boys?" Liam said enthusiastically, Harry and Zayn nodded, "You sound like Leeroy," I said to Liam, laughing. We split up into our "Cuddle buddies" on the couches, and watched the Woman in Black, it was mainly only the girls that got the huge frights, or jumps. When the Woman in Black was over, Anna, Lauren and I were pretty scared, so we decided to put on Grown Ups, which was really funny, so we all forgot about the scary movie, then we watched Pitch Perfect, which Anna described to be the 'Best movie EVVEERRRRRR'. When we finished Pitch Perfect, it was about 2 am. "Jesus, better get to bed, lads" exclaimed Niall, as he saw what time it was, he said his good nights and went off to bed, as did the rest of the lads. We set up our blankets and pillows on the sofa and closed the boys' door and started whispering, "Liam obviously paired you with Louis because Louis likes you," Anna stated, "And you are obviously the 'mystery crush' Louis was texting Harry about," Lauren added, "Aw, stop, you're making me blush," I said, half-joking, but I was serious about the stop part, "Do you like him back?" Anna and Lauren both asked at the same time, "I never thought about that actually, but now that I do think about it...well...yes, okay, I do," I admitted.

Niall's P.O.V~

We were stalking on the girls talking, they thought we were asleep, but Liam and I weren't, I know it sounds weird but it had to be done sometime. It was kind of mumbled, but you could still understand, they were talking about Louis liking Kirsty, "There onto us, man!" I whispered to Liam, "Oh no!" he exclaimed, "It's okay, we'll just tell Louis that they figured it out, which they did, and they went through his text messages?!" I quietly yelled, "Wait!" I hushed, I listened, "Oh, my God, she likes him back!" I exclaimed quietly, "I knew it!" Liam said as we walked back to our bunks, "Really?" I asked, "I knew she would fall for him," Liam stated, proud of his prediction, then we turned around and went to sleep.

Anna's P.O.V~

I got up around ten, no one else was up except Niall, "So, your twin is coming today?" Niall asked, munching his cereal, "Yes, I'm pickin' 'em up at the train station at two o' clock," I answered, "Is it ok if we come back to the bus?" I asked, "Yeah, sure," Niall beamed, "I'm going to run and get changed!" I exclaimed and ran down to the back, where we kept our bags, I noticed Lauren sitting there, upset. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned, "Tom and Louis woke me up and I am not a morning person!" she yelled, "Can you help me get...revenge?" "Revenge?! For what? Waking you up?" I questioned her, "Yes!" she shouted, she pulled a black marker from her bag, she look at me slyly, "But that's permanent?!" I exclaimed, I tried to rip the marker from her grip but she pulled it away from me and over her head, "No!" she said, "This must be done!" She walked towards Louis and Tom's bunks, they fell back asleep when their work was done, she drew curly moustaches and beards on them both, then she screames in their faces ran, I ran after her, we sat down in the kitchen/living area of the bus and got some breakfast with Niall. After a while, we heard a scream coming from Louis' bunk. Lauren got up and walked over to the bunk, "What's wrong, Louis?" Lauren said, innocently, "There's marker," he started, "on my face!" he finished yelling, pointing to his face, "It's permanent too," Lauren smiled as she skipped off, back to finish her breakfast, Niall couldn't stop laughing and that made us laugh, we sat around talking for about an hour or so, while Louis and Tom tried to scrub off the marker, we heard a bit of their conversation, "Tom! Get outta the way! I have to go on stage later!" Louis yelled, "He has to go on stage?" Kirsty asked, she went to Starbucks for breakfast to get a mocha and only arrived back a few minutes ago. By now it was one o' clock, "Jesus, look at the time I have to go to the train station!" I said grabbing my keys and jacket, "Bye, guys! I'll be back as soon as I can!" I said, just before I exited the bus, Zayn was entering the dining area "Oh! Can't wait to meet 'em!" Zayn said, waving as I went out the door.

When I arrived at the train station, I parked the car and waited on the platform for the train to arrive. I was waiting for about fifteen minutes and then the train pulled in, when the doors opened, my twin hopped out and gave me a huge hug, "I missed you so much!" I said, tears in my eyes, "I'm going to bring you back to the tour bus, so you can meet my friends, Lauren and Kirsty and One Direction!" I exclaimed, we got in the car and drove to the bus, I had to park a bit away but I didn't care, I entered the tour bus and walked in, "I have someone for you guys to meet," I said, everyone was sitting on the couches, they all stopped talking and looked to me, I gestured my twin inside the bus, everyone's, well, except Lauren and Kirsty, mouth dropped open, especially Zayn. "Guys, this is James," I said, "Your twin is a dude?!" Niall asked, astonished, "Well, yeah," I said, "You all presumed James was a girl, didn't you?" I asked, laughing, everyone nodded their head.

Niall's P.O.V~

When Anna's twin walked in, everyone was astonished at the sight of a boy, it never entered my head, not once, that her twin would be a guy. To be honest, he kind of scared me, he was so much taller than me, and standing beside Anna, she looked tiny, and she wasn't small, I'm 5"7' and he's like, 6". He was nice, actually, he was lovely, but he still scared me, and he seemed to be protective over Anna. We were talking to him and found out that he was in university in Florida and was studying acting. He moved there from Ireland, where Anna and him grew up, about three months ago. "Do you have many other siblings?" Liam asked, "Yes!" they both exclaimed at the same time, "We have four sisters, which are eleven, thirteen, fourteen and seventeen, and two more brothers, one is ten and one is twenty-two and we're eighteen," James explained.


It's not in the cast who the actor of James is, because then you'd all know he was a boy from the start, so anyways, the actor of James is Alfie, he is a youtuber, you might know him better as PointlessBlog?

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