Teambuilding Exercises

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I settle in at Cherrygrove, walking into the pitifully empty Pokemon Center and landing on the couch. Usually, there are at least three of these and they're all still a privilege to end up on, but due to Cherrygrove's skimpy population size and low trainer traffic, there's no one on this one.

I curl up into it without bothering to put on blankets or some of the other amenities that the Centers usually provide, exhausted from the day's events. Ten, despite being nocturnal, perches on a leg above the couch and falls asleep in minutes, while Reginae curls up like a Purrloin near the other end. The Pokemon Center closes around us as we sit half-awake in the gloom, watching lights turn off and listening to the hum of machines in the shadow.

I lie there, slightly disturbed by the continued noise, only to feel the prick of tiny feet on my leg. Reginae is up and he's definitely not happy.

"What..." I murmur, hoping that he only needs to go outside or wants to be put in the Pokeball.

"It's just me." Reginae whispers, misinterpreting my question. Only his large eyes are distinguishable from the rest of his body in the dull light. "I just wanted to talk in private really quick about... the 'flash' thing."

"What about it?" I say, still drowsy.
"Earlier, when you first entered my mind, I tried to fight you out." he states.
"Yeah, I remember that. Is this an apology?" I ask, amused.
"No. I don't need to apologize to you, it should be the other way around! You're the one who busted into my mind! Argh, whatever! Next time... you have to tell me first. If we can't tell our opponents in battle, we make up some word for it or you tell me beforehand that we might have to do it."

"Alright, alright... but if you don't mind me asking, why is it such a big deal?" None of my other Pokemon ever complained. The perfect harmony between our souls was nothing short of ecstasy for us.

"Are you saying you wouldn't be scared if some stranger forced their way into your mind and turned you into a killing machine?"
"'Killing machine' is a pretty harsh term," I tell him.

"Whatever. The point is, I'm not going to stand for it." he says defiantly. "Are you okay with my terms or not?"

I nod solemnly. "Deal."

"Good." he says, turning away. "We should get some sleep."
I turn in quickly, the couch devouring me whole as I sink further and further into its well-worn recesses. After what could have been heartbeats or hours, I open an eye to see that I'm fully surrounded by darkness. The darkness is cut by a blinding light, and I stand up to find myself in the middle of nowhere.

"Hello?" I call. "Celebi, are you there?"

The room fills with the sound of breathing. The entire room is moist and slightly dank, with only the light in the distance to guide me through the shadow.

Disgusted, I touch the ground only to find my hands go right through. There's really nothing holding me up here. I'm levitating.

The air around me flows as if pushed by some great breeze, ruffling my hair in all directions as the choppy currents continue to twist around me. From the guttural darkness of wherever I stand comes a loud, screeching cry, deep as the ocean itself.

"Who are you?" I call.

The room begins to fill with water.

I try to move, but I'm stuck. Panic begins to blur my thoughts as the water passes my knees and ascends rapidly towards my chest, stroking it gently as it surges past that and up towards my face.


Are you there?

I try to answer, but I'm choking on water. It's surprisingly salty, like ocean water or tears. Regardless of its content, it's freezing cold and a single gasp sends me into shock. I thrash in the water, bubbles leaving my lips, and I can see dark spots closing in around my vision.

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