Halfway to Nowhere

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"Red," I whisper.

I realize suddenly that I am thirteen years old. While he is as well, he's had who knows how long to control whatever remains of a physical form. I'm just settling back into this life. Although I know my physical strength is lacking and my Goldeneye powers may not work in a void, I don't hesitate to push him straight off of me. I attempt to bolt for it but my feet are stuck in some sort of gelatinous substance. My whole body slows down and I stop, turning slowly to face him.

He's still just inches from me.

"You can't run away from a void, Ashley. I honestly assumed you were smarter than this."
"Damnit, I don't have time for this!" I yell, breathing rapidly as his dull eyes stare into mine with a terrible fascination. "Just tell me what you want!" Tears stream down my face and my head buzzes with pain as he watches me like a Bug-type trapped beneath some child's net.

He's toying with me.

"You really are afraid of me."

"You blew up the entire universe! What the hell is wrong with you?" I scream in frustration.

He smiles. "Did I really? That must have been quite a show. The real question is... how did you lose, exactly?"

"Clair." I choke out.

"The dragon gym leader." he confirms. "I admit I kind of expected more, but that's none of my business. Say, did you try loading your Pokemon up with Blizzard? Should've made that one a breeze."

I clench my teeth. He knows exactly what he's making light of. "Is that it?" I yell, my face still red and my legs shaking pitifully. "Did you just want to humiliate me?"
He shakes his head. "That would be a waste of both of our time. Time in the metaphysical sense, at least, seeing as time is completely frozen while we're talking here. No, Ashley, I've been watching your progress with interest, and it appears that both of us have a common goal as of the moment."

I grimace. Did he really- did he really?! "If you suggest we team up, I am going to clock you so damn hard-" My fingers curl into a ball and I aim straight for his face with all of my might.

My fist freezes in midair. "Don't get so excited. I don't want your help either." he says, flicking his hand upwards and freezing my whole body. "I just need some information. As you've figured out, both of us seem to be dealing with a certain glitch in the system."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lie, running through all of the possibilities. None of them sound good at all.

Please don't be my team, please don't be my team, please-

"I've searched every inch of the damned code and yet all I can find are dialogue lines for someone who's been removed. Worthless! Pointless! For all intents and purposes, Ethan might as well not exist."

I hold my hands over my head as he yells. "I don't know any more than you do." I say, keeping myself in a defensive position.

"Are you sure?! No dreams? No anything?"

"You're lying." he says.

I don't reply.

"Don't lie to me, Ashley!" he basically yells the words. "You have no idea what I could do to you."

I look away from him, staring down at the abyss. My whole body freezes. My legs itch to run but I'm trapped there, completely vulnerable.

"Don't you see the possibilities here?! If Ethan can get out of the system, so could either of us. Do you know how long I tried to get out of here for?" he asks. His voice is so desperate that I can feel every bit of need in it.

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