These Walls Between Us

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By the time we return to Ethan's grandparents' house, the day has passed quietly into the golden hour and the sky has turned a thousand vivid shades of violet, crimson, and everything in between. D'spinas is at rest in her Pokeball and the rest of the team, save for Clay and Reginae, are chatting in hushed voices.

It's odd knowing that "the rest of the team" is down as low as three members, but I digress. Luna has Rose up on her back and Ten hops along beside them. "That was quite the match."

Luna grunts. She's still hurting, despite the high quantity of Potions I've attempted to apply to her wounds. "I'll manage."

"I'm sure you will. You're very strong."

Luna laughs. "So are you, owl. Anyone who can hop that long must be buff, if only in that one leg."

"Heh." Ten averts his gaze. "I suppose so?"

"Hey Ashley, where are we going?"

"Home." I say. The warm light of the house cascades around them, making them luminous. Luna's eyes are filled with the golden light and I knock on the door.

Ethan's grandmother opens hesitantly, smiling when she sees me there. "Ms. Hart! How did your gym battle go?"

"It... it was fine." I tell her. "Thank you. I actually just need to drop off my Pokemon. I'll be back in later."

I hear a voice calling from the kitchen. "Is that Ashley I hear? How did her gym battle go?"
The sides of my mouth prick upwards and I try not to let it show just how terribly forced it was.

"She said it was fine, dear! She's heading back out."
"Tell her it's getting late. She should be careful at this time of night. You don't know what you'll find out there."

"This is the perfect time of night to... uh... catch this Pokemon I want, actually! I've heard there are Eevees around this part that come out around sunset."

She nods. "I understand you must be very busy with filling that Pokedex. What a responsibility! Don't work yourself too hard, alright? Now, who do you want to deposit?"

"Everyone but my starter, please."

She nods thoughtfully. "One on one time with your very first Pokemon. That's always a good bond to have. Your starter is important, you know. You never have another like them."

You don't freakin' say.

Trying to fake a smile, I add, "Do you have any spare Super Potions? D'spinas got beat up pretty badly at the gym."

"Don't you worry about it. I'll take good care of her." she returns the smile, the genuineness of it making me feel slightly nauseated. I just nod again and hand her D'spinas's Pokeball. Hastily, I pull the others save for Reginae's out of my pocket and place them carefully in her hand. In their smaller form, they're no larger than ping pong balls.

The team watches anxiously. Rose yawns. Nervously, I ask, "Su- I mean... anyone want to watch Rose?"
They know what I was about to say but they also know better than to question me. Ten peeps, "I'll do it."

The Togepi waddles slowly into his arms and stays there, chirruping quietly. I look away and open the door. "Thanks again for your hospitality."

"You're so sweet. Make the most of that training time!" Ethan's grandmother calls after me.

The door swings closed and I'm alone in the dark. I exhale softly and turn towards the city, walking past the side of the house.
As I walk past the window into the chill night air, I hear a muffled voice from inside: "Eevees aren't native to this part of Johto."

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