The Mourning Ocean

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I thrash in the dark waters, bubbles streaming from my mouth. I grasp upwards desperately, only for another wave to throw me under. The ocean is a mess of wreckage as the boat itself is fully turned on its side, groaning in agony as it thrashes about on the waves. I can't gauge distance in the depths of the ocean but it remains a terrible gray on my line of sight.

Water fills my lungs and I choke, desperately struggling to get upwards only to have the water drag me back down again. My bag is rock heavy and all of my clothes struggle against me as I try to get up.

No no no no no! I can't die like this!

There's a momentary recess in the waves and I come closer to the surface, my vision becoming a tunnel as I race towards a white light...

The hovering of pale wings drags me away from my watery tomb. I gasp in my confusion, attempting feebly to come up for air but grasping nothing, and end up clinging to a large orange shape in the water.

D'spinas throws me down and the ocean washes over us again. Her wings are dragged down by the rain. She begins falling as the wave takes us away from her. I scream as loud as I can but nothing comes out, my entire body still full of water. My eyes are filling with tears hardly visible on top of the salty brine and I grasp out for her as she falls from the heavens.

Silently, she disappears beneath the waves. Her pale, still-moving wings are visible just for a second but the raindrops coming off of them seem to be dragging them down. The buzzing goes on for a solid minute before cutting out all together.

"D'spinas, no!" I call, scratching at the edges of the lifeboat. My numb legs spring off of the only shelter I still have but a large hand holds me back. "Let me go!"
"Ye can't go back for her now." calls a voice. I dimly register that it's the officer from earlier but I'm so numb it doesn't even matter.

"I have to. I have to get to her. Please." I whine. "I can't lose her."

"We've all lost a lot." The officer pats me, although she now has her hand firmly around my sopping clothing. "Lie down or I'm going to have to make you."

"Please," I whisper, "Please."

The ocean swallows everything around us and I feel the adrenaline wearing off. My eyes begin to droop slightly as others call out the names of their own Pokemon, who begin pushing us towards shore, careful as they could possibly be.


No one and nothing comes. The last thing I remember is a bright white light emerging from the depths of the ocean, strong arms carrying me upwards, a thousand voices crying out around them. I look up and see that she has blonde hair. She looks familiar.


The figure says nothing and I black out. 

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