The Darkness Within

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The fall air makes me feel slightly melancholy, reminding me faintly of warm nights around a bonfire with the old team. In truth, thought it feels like it's just beginning to get cold, autumn is probably almost over. Another look at my Pokegear confirms we're already thick into November, which makes sense, seeing as the climate in Johto is generally quite warm even well into winter, especially around the Whirl Islands. I don't think I've ever seen it snow more than an inch in New Bark, either, but Mahogany Town is a different story altogether.

The team plods along beside me, all of us weary from the distance we've travelled thus far. It's just past noon and we've turned the corner towards the second half of Route 38. Wild grasses meet our approach and Ten swoops down to my shoulder. "Do we have to grind again?"

"No, we'll be late going into Ecruteak as it is. We are going to have to head into the grass at some points, but the Pokemon here aren't that tough. You guys can take it, right?" I say, trying to sound enthusiastic instead of incredibly tired.

"You're talking to Fang and Pisces, the best tag team in all of Johto. We can take anything!" Fang exclaims. Pisces is moving along the air currents like a Rayquaza, the only Pokemon that probably rivals her in size. Fang is rushing around by her side, trying to keep up with her swift movements and mainly just tripping over himself.

"We could have flied to Ecruteak if you really wanted to be there that badly. We would have been there already and we'd be to Mohagany by lunchtime. Now we're probably not going to make it until midnight." Rose points out. "Speaking of Ecruteak, did you ever get a response from Morty? We could meet up with him and-"

"In the interest of time, we're not meeting up with anyone. As for the walking, you guys,need the levels, so technically its not a waste. As for a response..." I pull out my Pokegear and glance at the messaging app.

You have twenty three unread messages.

I shake my head. "Nothing yet."

Rose glances at me suspiciously but shakes her head. "Men."

"I know, right?" I try to laugh it off, folding the Pokegear back in on itself and then sliding it into my backpack.

Ten flies over the grass and Pisces flies in behind him. Fang is bouncing off the ground, making his brown fur fly up everywhere. Reginae follows, his leaf bobbing up and down as well as he Iron Tails a good chunk of grass. Basil holds back by my side, looking intensely boed.

I smile smugly. I'm making immensely better time than I did for the last go around.

"So." I say quietly.

Basil looks up at me, frill wide, and hisses, "Is there something you need?"

"Um..." I blink. "No, not exactly. I just don't think we talk very much."

"Well. I am very busy." He dives into the grass. I hear crunching and notice another Raticate thrown aside. It gets up, spits something in a thick accent, and runs away. Basil grins smugly and moves off towards the others.

Sighing slightly, I open up my Pokegear and check the messages.


Ashley are you there?

Looks like I missed you by a minute... what are the odds.

I just wanted to say that I read all of this and

It's going to be okay this time.

I promise.

I won't lie, reading these scared me. It scared me a lot.

You know too much about me to be lying. I knew that from the beginning but I just didn't want to believe we failed.

I still have nightmares about Mt. Silver. Of the end. I guess we do have a bit in common, right?

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