Meeting the Malfoy's! Part 1

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Today was the start of the Christmas holidays. You originally planned to stay at Hogwarts but your boyfriend, Draco, convinced you to stay with him. You were hesitant at first knowing how his father acted around people as he was a death eater. But you were doing this for Draco.

You ran to your dormitory and grabbed your suitcase, packing things that are essential like 2 weeks worth of clothes. Also gently placing his present on top. You got him a leather diary with 'draco' printed on the back. It had a green baskalisk on the front. To open it you would have to say the password, which I set to "I love y/n". I really hope that he likes it. After I finished packing, I ran down the corridors to meet Draco at the three broomsticks where we will aparate to Malfoy mannor.

I got there a few minutes late due to my heavy suitcase. Okay I might have over packed. Never mind. I saw the familiar blonde hair and jumped on his back. Luckily, he caught me. "Hello princess!" He smiled. I leaned round and kissed his cheek. "Hello to you to my Slytherin Prince." He smirked. "I like that name. Prince Draco and Princess y/n. Sounds perfect don't you think?" I grinned and nodded. He took my hand that wasn't currently holding my suitcase and we aparated to his home. I hate aparating for two reasons.
1. It makes me feel like I am going to be sick.
2. I never land on my feet so end up with painful bruises.
Once we arrived I fell on the floor, like I expected. Draco helped me up and pulled me into his warm embrace noticing how pale I must have been. "Hey. It's going to be fine! They'll love you. Especially my mum." I sighed and relaxed against him. "Okay".

We walked up the path and he opened the door. His mum, Narcissa seemed very nice. She greeted me with a motherly-like hug and complementing my looks. She went to Draco too also hugging him and saying how handsome he's got to which I agreed. I was rather shy for the first couple of hours but started to come out of my shell when I realised Narcissa is really easy to talk to. That is until Lucius came home. Me, Draco and his mother were sat around the table chatting when he came into the kitchen. He glared at me, eyeing me up and down before asking , "Who's our guest? ". Draco cleared his throat, "father..This is my girlfriend y/n" He nodded at sat opposite me. "Ah yes. The girl you wouldn't shut up about" He stated. I smirked at draco who was blushing a deep crimson. "So tell me..", Lucius started, " are you a pure-blood?". I nodded in response. He smiled though I'm pretty sure it's fake. "Do you talk to or hang around Potter, Weasley or Granger" He asked again. This time I shook my head. "No sir. I'm mostly with Draco or I'm in Ravenclaw comman room" He smiled a real smile this time and left the table.

Draco led me up to his room which I can say was twice if not triple the size of mine. It had a white decorated tree in the corner and candles around the shelves. A king size bed was in the middle with a neatly folded blanket on top. "Wow" I breathed standing in the center. Draco wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Do you like it?" He asked kissing my temple. I turned around in his arms putting mine around his neck. "I love it" I said. "Not as much as you love me right?" He said smirked. "I don't know this room is impressive" I also smirked.

We both climbed into the bed after having Narcissas delicious dinner and small talk with Lucius. "Told you that they would love you " He whispered whilst spooning me. I nodded to tired to respond.

A/N the next part I'm going to skip to Christmas day! (Comment / like / vote ) 👍

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