Sacrificing yourself for Harry

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Your P.O.V :
This is it, the big moment. Harry had the prophecy in his hands and was running towards the exit, followed closely by us. We kept turning down aisles to escape the death eater's grasp. We came to the end of a corridor but at the end was a drop. Harry stopped before falling. Most of us did too but unfortunately Nevile was unaware and caused us all to tumble down. As we all landed with a thump ,I looked around. Luckily there was no sight of Lucius or any others. The room we were in had a slight hill with an arch on the top. I wonder what that's for. I thought to myself .

All of a sudden, a boney black hand clamped around my mouth and pulled me away. I tried to scream but it came out muffled. Scanning round, I saw Ginny, Hermione, Nevile, Ron and Luna also in Death eater's hold. Harry was on the floor clutching the sphere while Lucius leaned over him. He was threatening to kill us all if he didn't hand it over. We all screamed at him not to give it but he did anyway not wanting anyone else to get hurt.

Just then the arch started to glow...Sirius. He started throwing spells at Malfoy. Then it turned into an all-out-war. Those who were being held hexed the ones holding them and joined in. More and more death eater's joined but our side grew as well. Lupin, Tonks, Mr Weasley, Sirius and Mad eye all came through the arch. I smiled, it looked like we were winning. Just then, Bellatrix came out, wand pointed at harry turned back. She smirked and shout, "Avada kedavra!" My eyes widened so I quickly got in the way. My last thought was Harry...

Harrys P.O.V :
I smiled looking round it looked like we were winning. What puzzled me was where y/n went. I saw Bellatrix who was laughing like a maniac. I approached her my wand aimed at her chest. As I neared, I heard what she was chanting, "I killed y/n I killed y/n!" My heart dropped. Sure enough, her lifeless body was laid out on the floor. "No..." I whispered. Tears were streaming down my face. I never got to say I love you...
I yelled into the air not caring who heard. Y/N was gone. I softly kissed her head. Standing up, I marched out to find Lestrange and kill that bitch! I found her in the main hall. "Ahhh he's gonna get me he's gonna get me" She taunted. I was about to strike but she vanished using floo powder. One day I'll get the revenge y/n deserves!!!

A/n nearly 4k and 300 votes! Tysm guys xx

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