Chapter 6

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I'm not sure why I agreed to do it. I didn't want to though. As soon as we found a good guitar, we tried to find a set of speakers to hook it up in. We didn't find a set of speakers, we found something better. We found a mini stage with lights, a microphone, and other instruments. It was perfect.

"Harry, I'm not so sure about this," I say, after hooking my guitar in.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I sound horrible? What if my dad gets mad at me for doing this? What if..."

"Shhh," Harry says calmly. "Come here." He opens his arms widely. I sigh and hug him tightly.

"Don't worry about how you sing. I know you'll do wonderful," he says, still hugging me. "Your dad has no right to get mad at you. After all, it's his fault for not having enough time for his only beautiful daughter."

"You think I'm beautiful?" I gasp. I wasn't expecting that.

"Of course," he says, finally letting me go.

"Thank you." I'm probably smiling crazy like an idiot.

"You know, you're smiling crazy like an idiot," Harry smirks, reading my thoughts. I playfully punch his biceps and he pretends to be hurt. We both laugh.

"Mate," Niall interrupts. We both jump. "What are y'all up to?"

I raise my eyebrows.


"That's what I get for watching too many American TV shows," Niall chuckles.

"Well, um, we're just..." Harry says.

"Is he already your boyfriend, Maddy?" Zayn asks.

"What? No!" I say a little harshly.

"I'll explain," Harry says quietly, walking over to his bandmates. I see him talking to them and I hea "oohs" and "aahs". You can do this Maddy. You've memorized every lyric of Little Things. I take a deep breath.

"Oh alright," I hear Louis say.

"Harry?" asks Liam. "Do you... like her?" I know I shouldn't be listening, but Liam's question forces me to. For some reason, I think "her" is me.

"What? Maddy? No, I don't. Why would you think that? We just met," Harry says, I can sense that he is panicking, but why?

"Oh okay." They all walk over to me.

"Are you ready, love?" Niall asks me.

"I think so," I say nervously.

"Don't be nervous," Harry says. "You'll do amazayn."

"I see what you did there," Zayn points out and we laugh. The boys go around the corner so they can't be seen, but can still hear me. Well, it's now or never. I start playing the guitar.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be," I start singing. "And I'm joining up the dots with freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me." Wow. Everyone could probably hear me because this thing is so loud and my dad isn't very far away. I think I hear footsteps and small talk, but I continue.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine, but I'll love them endlessly. I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do, it's you. Oh it's you they add up to. I'm in love with you. And all your little things." I realize that my eyes have been closed since I started singing. When I open them, I find my dad staring at me 20 feet away from me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dad yells. I want to continue and finish the song, but I know better.

"Dad, I..." I start, setting the guitar down.

"Save it," he interrupts. "I brought you to my work because I know that you've always wanted to meet One Direction. I expected you to act like a NORMAL person. Instead, what do you do? You sing one of their songs, as if you're performing at a concert, in the middle of my meeting? Who do you think you are?" By this time, I can feel my face heating up.

"YOU ARE 17 YEARS OLD, MADDY, YOU ARE NOT A LITTLE CHILD ANYMORE! WHY ARE YOU STILL ACTING LIKE A BABY?" Dad is basically screaming at me now. To make things worse, a tear slides down my face. Followed by another, and another...

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the boys shift uncomfortably and come out of their little hiding spot. Great.

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