Chapter 13

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"What're you doing?" I ask Harry while he grabs three bags in each arm.

"I'd rather carry a ton of these than make a second trip," he says. "Plus, I don't want you to carry much too much." I laugh and I grab the last three. I lock the car and we head over to their front door.

"Do you have a key?" I ask. He shakes his head so I ring the doorbell. It's been a few minutes and there's still no answer.

"Well, it looks like we might have to stay here for a bit." Harry says, winking at me. My heart leaps. I try not to make eye contact. Harry puts down the grocery bags and he takes a seat on their outdoor furniture. He gestures me to come over and I obey.

"Why are you sitting all the way over there?" he smirks, while I take a seat on the other end l

of the couch. I want to sit as close to Harry as possible, but my hands already feel cold and my heart is pounding. Who knows what will happen if I sit next to him.

"I like this side of the couch better," I lie. He smiles and scoots next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm behind me. I hope he doesn't realize that I'm so nervous. I think about what happened earlier in his car. I went from hating him to loving him. We went from yelling to each other to kissing. It all happened so fast. I don't know if Harry and I are still friends or if we're taking it to the next level. I've been wanting to ask him this, but I don't want to rush things. Plus, I don't know if I have the guts to ask him. Truth is, I don't want to be just friends with Harry, I want to be able to call him mine. I still can't believe that I only met him yesterday. So many things happened ever since. Yesterday, I hated them and their music. Okay, I've only listened to some of their songs and I must say, I loved it. I lied about hating their music. I'm too ashamed to admit it, but I was telling the truth about hating them. I thought that they were jerks and acted like they were so cool that they can do anything. I judged them before I even knew them. I feel so bad and embarrassed. People from school were constantly judging me, but yet I did the same to these five innocent guys who seem so nice.

"Are you okay, love?" Harry asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking."

"About what?" I'm about to tell him everything, when the front door opens.

"Hello there! We're outside trying to figure out how to work the grill, sorry about that. Oh, you brought groceries! How wonderful!" Louis says under one breath. He grabs a couple of grocery bags when he looks up. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No," I say, standing up. I guess I'd have to tell Harry later. "Let me help you." I grab a few, leaving Harry with the rest. Louis goes inside when I hear Harry mumble to himself,

"Damn it, Louis." I smile to myself, knowing he was dying to know what I was about to say. Louis and Harry puts all of the groceries on the counter.

"C'mon, mate, let's leave Maddy with all of this to put away," Harry says to Louis.

"Harry!" Louis and I exclaim.

"I'm kidding!" Harry and Louis both laugh while I roll my eyes. Five minutes later, Niall comes in.

"We figured out how to work the gr- hey, groceries!"

"You sure do love food, huh?" I ask, smiling.

"He does, everyone knows that," Louis says, putting away some cans of chicken noodle soup.

"Thank you, Maddy. And Harry."

After we put away everything, we all head outside. I was right; they did have a private beach. The view is spectacular. As much as I love the view, I want to go back inside where it's cooler because I can feel myself perspire again. Liam said he was in the mood for a burger and they all agreed. Luckily, Harry and I bought hamburger patties, so he went back inside to get those.

"Maddy, why are you wearing a sweater? Aren't you hot?" Zayn asks politely, taking a seat on a lounge chair right next to me.

"Um... I just really like wearing sweaters," I lie. "And it's not that hot out here." Niall must've heard what I said because I see him coming towards us. He looks at my face, as if he's inspecting it.

"You're sweating," he finally says.

"No, I'm not," I quickly say. I'm starting to panic when Harry comes back outside.

"Here it is!" he yells, holding up the package. I need to thank him later for coming back outside and saving me from having to answer any more questions. Liam starts the grill and we all head over to help out.


While we're devouring our delicious burgers, I notice that Maddy looks worried.

"Maddy, love, are you alright?" I ask. She gives me a look and I regret asking.

"Yeah," she says. "Do you guys want some Lays or something? I can go get it."

"Sure!" Niall says right away. Maddy stands up and goes back inside.

"Excuse me, lads," I say, standing up. They all look at each other, but I ignore them, following Maddy.

"Harry? Is that you?" I hear her yell.

"Yeah, it's me," I yell back, quickly going to where she is.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, opening the cabinets.

"You looked worried. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." I stare at her.

"Okay, fine," she gives in, closing the cabinet. "Zayn and Niall asked why I was wearing a sweater since it's so hot out. I don't blame them for asking, but I just don't want any of them to know. I feel like they'll find out, eventually."

"Mads, they wouldn't judge you. It's okay; they're your friends."

"I know..." she says. I can see a smile forming on her. "They're my friends, you say? And what about you, Styles?" I smile.

"What about me?" I say, playing along. I step closer to Maddy, filling in the space between us.

"Are you my friend?


"Best friend?"

"Sure, but I could be..." Louis comes in, cutting me off.

"Maddy? What's taking..." Maddy and I back away from each other, embarrassed.

"Sorry," she quickly says, opening the cabinet to grab the Lays. She heads outside without saying another word. Louis looks at me, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, well, well."

"Save it," I say. I can't help myself but smile.

"Are you falling for her, Harry?" Louis asks me softly.

"I already have."

{a/n: OMG THE HARRY FEELS I GIVE MYSELF lol!! sorry this chapter is short, but the next one will be a little longer. actually, i already finished working on the next chapter. should i do a double update? ;) please vote and comment! ily all!}

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