Chapter 9

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It feels like a year since my dad and I stepped in this car to go home. My head is leaning against the window, eyes shut, while listening to "Diamonds" by Rihanna on the radio. I hear the volume go down and I take a sneak peak at my dad.

"Maddy, we have to talk about what happened earlier," Dad says, breaking the silence.

"What's there to talk about?" I grunt. "You're not going to buy me my new camera and guitar that I deserve, and..."

"Okay, maybe I over-exaggerated a bit," Dad interrupts. I sit up and look at him. He sighs.

"You know how much my job means to me."

"Yeah. Your job means a lot more than me to you," I mumble.

"You know that's not..."

"Whatever, Dad," I say, cutting him off. Silence fills in the vehicle once again.

"Why did you do it, anyway?" Dad asks. I hesitate.

"I wanted to know what it feels like to perform on a stage," I lie. Please don't ask more questions, please don't ask more questions. I glance at my Dad and he rolls his eyes in response. We don't speak to each other for a long time. While my Dad is changing the radio station, I think of Harry. I picture his gorgeous brown curls, his sparkling green eyes, and his adorable dimples and smile. I remember how he was very sweet, charming, caring...

I'm glad that Harry and I are friends. Are we friends? Yes, I'm almost positive that we are.What about the other boys? I don't know them as much like I know Harry. I make a mental note to mingle with them more if I can go back tomorrow.



"Can I come back tomorrow?" I ask, barely audible.

"Why?" He asks suspiciously. I want to go back because I surprisingly miss Harry. What's wrong with me?

"Um, never-" My iPhone beeps, indicating that I have a new text. I quickly fish for it in my purse. When I get a hold of it, I find a new text from Harry. What? Dad raises his eyebrows and I blush, turning away from him.

From Harry:

I hope you're coming back tomorrow, love. Miss you. Xx

He misses me, too! Excited, I quickly reply:

I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully. x

"Okay," Dad says.


"You can come tomorrow."

When we get home, I text Lara asking if she can come over. I really need to tell her about my feelings for Harry. I get a quick reply saying she'll be here in an about forty five minutes. I hear my stomach growling and I realize that it's almost 7:00 pm. Knowing my dad eats dinner by himself late, I make spaghetti with meatballs for dinner. Since my dad usually never cooks, I had to learn a thing or two about cooking. When I finish, it's almost time until Lara gets here.

"Heyyyyy," Lara says, opening the main door.

"Knock much?" We both laugh, hugging each other.

"So how was it?" Lara asks, getting right into business.

"I don't even know where to begin. Let's eat in my room, yeah?" We grab a plate of food and a water bottle and we head upstairs to my room. When we get in, I make sure that my door is locked. We eat for about five minutes in silence.

"Well?" Lara says, raising her eyebrows. I take a deep breath. I decide to tell her everything every single detail. From the beginning of the day until we got home. She occasionally nods and asks questions on cue. Finally, I tell her what I really feel about Harry.

"Ohmygosh. For real?" Lara gasps.

"Yes, for real."

"But don't you hate..."

"I used to."

"But now..."

"They're actually not that bad."

"Shut up! No way!"

"Yes way!"


"Shhh!" I giggle, covering her mouth. "I'm not sure if I am."

My phone beeps and I grab it before Lara does. I already know who's it from.

From Harry:

Hey beautiful, wanna FaceTime? x.

"YES! SAY YES!" Lara screams behind me, looking over my shoulder

"But... um, it's getting late. Plus, you have to go soon."

"So? I'll tell my mom I'm sleeping over! Oh, c'mon, don't be a party pooper!" Lara nudges me with her elbow.

"Fine." I sigh. I go to the Contacts app, scroll down to the 'H' section, and press his name. Lara looks at me with excited eyes and I press the FaceTime button.

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