Chapter 22

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{here's a chapter for y'all! finally lol!}

It has been about a week since the incident. When I got home, I was miserable. Tears kept streaming down my face. My heart was shattered in pieces. Lara was the one who tried to put the pieces back together.

"What? Are you serious?" Lara yelled through the phone, after I told her everything that had happened.


"That little-"

"I know."

It was about seven in the night that day. It took me quite some time to calm myself down a bit. Luckily, my dad was working in his office like usual, so he didn't hear me at all. The image of the two of them kissing, making out, was stuck in my head. I was trying to forget about it, but I couldn't. It was extremely difficult. I wish it was as easy as forgetting what you had for breakfast the morning before. I was pondering why it was so easy forgetting things like that. It's easy because they're just little things in life. It won't impact you or your life because they're not really important. Why were heartbreaks so important then? They always say that 'he wasn't the one' therefore you should move on with your life. They say that there's someone out there who loves you for you, but you just have to be patient and wait for that person to come around. Heartbreaks were so important because the person you thought you knew well turned out to be a person you wish they wouldn't ever be. The person you trusted, cared, and maybe even loved, was all just a lie. The key word is trust. If you trust someone, you can get hurt. If you care or love someone, you can get hurt as well. You had already developed feelings for them and they have the chance to destroy it; to destroy you.

Lara knocked on my bedroom door about ten minutes after the phone call. As soon as I saw her, I immediately bursted into tears. She walked over and hugged me tightly.

"It's going to be okay."

"How do you know?" I sobbed.

Whenever people go through a tough time, someone or several people would always assure them that 'it's going to be okay'. Usually, those five words never reached the person. They hear them, but they don't listen. They always think that it's the end of the world and take things too far- they commit suicide, take pills, cut... That's what I used to do. I'm a teenage girl who has scars because cutting was my escape. Everyone always say that no matter what you're going through, you should never cut or self-harm. What they don't know is that it's actually a form of an escape. It may not be a good one, but it works. When the razor or knife makes contact with your skin, peeling it, and you see the blood flow, it feels good for some reason. It hurts- it hurts llike hell- but the physical pain is better than the emotional pain. Once you start, it's hard to stop. It's so addicting; letting out your pain, anger, or dissapointment. As much as I didn't want to, I forced myself to stop. Something, or someone, made me want to stop. They made me feel worthy and beautiful. They made me feel like I'm not fat and that I could actually wear cute clothes such as crop tops and muscle tanks. Now that they're gone... It made me want to start again.

Lara and I ended up talking for hours. I basically cried half of the time, but she didn't mind. She said she was there to comfort me and that warmed my heart. After I felt like I let out all my tears, we slowly changed the subject. Talking about normal things made me feel better a bit better. During that time, it made me feel like my life was normal and everything was going perfectly nice. Of course, it wasn't. It just felt like it.

We didn't realize that it was getting late until Lara's mom called to check up on her. It was already past midnight so her mom said she could spend the night. I was both glad and upset. Glad because I wanted to have company and didn't want to be alone, but at the same time I was upset because I wanted to think about what had happened by myself. It was one of those times where you wanted to be alone, but you didn't want to be alone. I felt like my feelings were very bipolar that night.

By 3:00 am, we decided to go to sleep. I was already in bed, in my pajamas, when Lara got the sleeping bag from the basement. I was so exhausted that night; I just wanted to sleep. My eyes were beginning to droop when I heard Lara whisper something.

"You guys are meant to be. Things'll work out soon. Don't worry." She had said it in such a low, quiet whisper that I wasn't sure if I heard her right. How could she say that after everything bad and awful she've said about Harry? I was more confused than ever.

We were meant to be? How did she know that? No, no we weren't. I didn't know what Lara was thinking, but I was positive that Harry and I weren't meant to be. We haven't even known each other for a long time and yet things like these have happened already. Thinking about Harry made me cry. I tried to move on; I really wanted to, but it seemed like I couldn't. I tried to let it be a thing in the past, but something is stopping me from doing so.

About an hour of crying and thinking, I finally fell asleep.

"Do I have to?" I groan.

"Yes,  you do! You haven't done anything fun since, like, five days."

"That's so not true! You've been sleeping over for five days straight."

"That doesn't count." I sigh.


"Great! I'll meet you at the mall in a few hours? Maybe around two?" I look at the clock and it says 11:30 am.

"Alright, whatever." I end the call before she can make other plans.

I guess I could use some cheering up. Going out was the last thing I wanted to do, but I might become depressed again if I just stay home. I take a quick shower, taking time to shave my legs. I don't bother doing anything fancy with my hair because there's no point. I simply wear a t-shirt and a pair of shorts; putting my hair up in a bun. When Lara arrives a couple hours later, her jaw drops.

"What are you wearing?" she shrieks.

"Um, what?"

"Lets go to your room and I'll give you a make-over!"

"Lara, I don't think..."

"Uh-uh. First rule of break-ups is to always look good after they recover." I raise my eyebrow at her and she shrugs. She grabs my arm and drags me to my room. I sit down on my vanity chair while she digs out all my make-up.

"You're going to look great!" she squeals.

{a/n: ik i havent posted in like forever and here's why... as i said before, i was on vacation. when i got back, i went shopping for an entire day and i was exhausted. then schools started on that tuesday. i went to see this is us that week with my friend. and me and her went to an amusement park that saturday. on sunday i was REALLY tired. and i have school again, this time we have homework. ik this chapter was short, but its better than nothing right? i usually have about an hour of free time, more or less, depending on how much time/homework i have. so i truly apologize for this short chapter and for not updating often. ill try my best, but ya know school comes first. i missed writing this SO MUCH i just had to today. i had about an hour of free time and instead of relaxing, i decided to write a chapter! :) btw im sorry for any errors, i only read this over once. thanks for all your support! vote, comment, fan; love you all<3}

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