Chapter 14

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I felt so embarrassed when Louis came in. Or should I say, interrupted our moment. Again. I've been feeling embarrassed a lot lately, which is weird. When they came back outside, I tried not to look at them, especially Louis. I focus on eating my salty chips.

"Who wants to go for a swim?" Liam asks, when Harry and Louis sit back down. Thankfully, I don't sit next to or across of them. Niall is on my left, Zayn is on my right, Liam is across from me, and Harry and Louis are obviously sitting next to Liam.

"Me!" they all respond.

"Maddy, what about you, darling?" Liam asks me.

"I don't have a bathing suit with me," I answer honestly.

"That's okay," Zayn says to me. "Perrie, my girlfriend, still have some of hers that she hasn't used when she visited. I'm sure you girls are the same size."

"Shouldn't you guys be memorizing your lines or something?" I ask, changing the subject.

"So? We can do that later," Niall says.

"Yeah," Zayn says. "Excuse me, I'm going to change into my trunks. And Maddy, I'll get you something to wear."

"Me too," Niall and Liam both say. I'm now left with Harry and Louis.

"Aren't you guys going to change?" I ask them, not making any eye contact.

"Oh, alright then. I'll leave you two alone," Louis says, standing up. I think he was smirking, but I'm not sure.

"You alright, love?" Harry asks me.

"Of course," I say. "Go change."

"Well, someone is excited to see me in trunks," Harry teases and I smile.

I'm now alone. I need to come up with an excuse to why I cannot swim before they all get back. Maybe I should just tell them the truth... Or tell them I can't swim. I go for option one. Friends don't lie to each other. I think I hear Zayn coming so I prepare myself for the worse. The door opens and Harry steps outside.

"That was fa-" I look at him from head to toe and I bite my lip. I look at his abs and V line and I try to act calmly. Harry sees me and he chuckles. I turn away, not trying to think about the fact that he is so sexy.

"I change fast," Harry says, still chuckling. He sits down next to me and I can feel myself having goosebumps. Harry puts his hand on my chin and gently turns my head, forcing me to look at him.

"Can't handle my sexiness, eh?" Harry smirks. I bite my tongue, trying to prevent myself from laughing. Harry raises his eyebrows, wanting an answer to his question.

"I c-can," I stutter.

"C'mere then," Harry says. He turns around and pats his hand on his lap. I nervously stand up and I sit on his lap, facing him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I burry my head in his broad shoulders.

"Harry?" I whisper.


"I think I'm going to tell them the truth." I lift my head up and I look at him with a confused expression. "You know... My secret?"


"I'm scared."

"Don't be. I know my mates, they wouldn't judge you. You'll be fine."

"You're just saying that..."

"I'm not! I mean it." We stare into each other's eyes.

"Maddy, I think you should know that I..." I see the door swing open and I know he hears it too.

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