Chapter 19

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{a/n: guys i just read chapter 173 of After 2 and wow im screaming and getting so emotional hah. if any of you are reading After 2, I LOVE YOU. and if you arent i still love you but you should go read it okay trust me you will fall in love}


"So you guys have been dating for a week?" Victoria asks me.

"About a week," I correct her. I've heard a lot about Victoria; she's the head of some gossip magazine. Management had warned the lads and I about her sneakiness. She would always be at some random place every day of the week, pretending to be a fan of a celebrity she sees. Then she'll ask you to hang out or if she could ask you questions; you should never say no because she'll make up some kind of rumor about you. If you wanted a good article written about you, then you'd have to be nice to her. I felt bad for leaving Maddy, though, but I'm only doing this for her sake. There has been several stories and rumors about us in magazines and I want people to know who we really are and who she really is.

I can see Victoria writing a mini paragraph on her notepad so I take a look around me. I spot a familiar brunette with a surf board under her arms walking towards the water with some guy. Is that... Maddy? No, it can't be. I turn my attention back to Victoria, trying to distract myself. She asks me a few questions and I answer them honestly in a way that will make Maddy and I look good. She jots down the information I tell her and I turn my attention back to the brunette. I squint my eyes.

"What the hell?" I mutter out loud.

"Pardon?" Victoria looks up to me. I shrug it off, giving her a weak smile. The brunette, which I'm pretty sure is Maddy, is pretty deep in the water. She looks around her, confused. I want to yell at her to move or do something because the wave behind her is getting nearer and nearer. The wave drowns her, pulling her under water. Everything inside of me drops.

"Maddy!" I scream, without even thinking. I take off my tank top, my beanie, and my sunglasses and I drop them in the sand. As I run towards her, I hear girls fangirling. I'm pretty sure they're chasing after me, but I run faster, desperately wanting to reach Maddy. To save her. I see someone holding up a pair of goggles and I snatch it out of their hands.

"Hey!" they yell at me. I ignore them and put it on, swimming farther and farther. The water is now up to my upper arm. I look around me and I spot the guy she was with earlier.

"You!" I growl.

"Y-yes?" he stutters, obviously scared.

"Where the hell is my girlfriend?"

"Um, uh... Girlfriend? I don't know..."

"MADDY!" I'm yelling uncontrobally now. He widens his eyes. I want to punch him hard in the face, but I know I shouldn't. Instead, I splash him with water in his eyes. I can hear him crying in pain and I silently laugh to myself. I go underwater, thankful that I have the goggles on. I swim a little further until I see something that appears to be an arm. I don't even hesitate when I pull it towards myself. I carry her, bridal style, and swim up. I gasp for air.

"Maddy! Love!" I gently shake her, but she doesn't say anything. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Hey, man, I'm Logan. Let me help you, yeah?" Logan says, but I scowl. I swim away and I'm getting closer to shore. The water is up to my knees now and I start running. Once I set my foot on the sand, several people are coming up to me.


"Oh my gosh, is that Harry?"

"Harry Styles, over here! Your future wife!"

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