Tuesday 8:47am

48 5 1

We woke up to pouring rain, as I was looking out the window Kyle wrapped his arms around me. "Should we call everyone, and tell them we'll have to cancel today?" He asked.

"Yeah it won't hurt missing one day, were staying her for 1 an half weeks," I shrugged. I grabbed my phone and called Shannon.

"Hello?" A very groggy morning voice.

"Hey it's storming out, were gonna cancel today's plan. Can you tell Bryan and then have them call Johnnie?" I asked.

"Yeah of course," I heard a smirk. "You. Kyle. Get. It. On." I hung up on her.

"What did she have to say?" Kyle asked as he walked to the bed to turn on the tv.

"Uh nothing," I ran to the bathroom closing the door. I texted her, 'I hate you'

I started running the bath water, I put some bubbles in it. WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK KYLE AND I ARE GONNA HAVE SEX HERE!?

It's kinda annoying cause they'll make side comments, like do it or get it on. I'd really like to snap their heads

I unclothed and then got into the bath tub as it finished filling up. I turned on some music, and leaned back.

The door opened, Kyle walked in, "oh shit sorry."

"Kyle, it's fine. What did you want?" I asked.

"Wait..you're not gonna get mad at me?" He asked.

"No I am covered up by bubbles," I shook my head. "Now what do you want?"

"I just want to hang out with you," he shrugged. He sat on the side of the tub.

Kyle leaned down putting a soft gentle kiss on my lips. After pulling back and then looking at me, he put a hand on my cheek. He pressed his lips against me again. I put my arms around his waist, careful without him noticing what I was doing. I pulled him into the tub, getting him soaked.

Water went everywhere. When Kyle looked at me, we both started laughing. He grabbed my face again, "God, you're great," we kissed again.

I pulled off his shirt throwing it to the ground. My arms wrapped around him as he pulled me closer. He threw his soaking wet beanie at the door making a loud bang.

He chuckled against my lips, I smiled pulling him closer to me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his hand on my back.

Kyle picked me up, and took us to the bed. He slipped of his pants as he put me on the bed. Might I remind you I still have a bathing suit on.

All of the sudden, he pulled away. He reached to one of side bed tables. Kyle pulled out a condom.

I looked at him, "w-wait you knew this was gonna happen."

"I was being prepared," he looked at me.

"No, why would you think this would happen?" I asked him, sitting up.

"Everyone knew this was gonna happen," he protested.

"Well it's obviously not happening now," I got up walking to my clothes.

"Alex wait," he ran and grabbed my hand. "Come on we don't have to do this. It doesn't matter to me," he pulled me closer to him.

"Then why did you already have them?" I asked.

"Because we're both 17, and we don't have time for a baby," he sat on the bed, making me sit next to him.

"What if I did become pregnant?" I asked with a small voice.

"Then if you did want to keep the baby, I'd take care of both of you," he wrapped an arm around me. "What's wrong? Your mind is like everywhere," he asked.

"How I'm feeling right now, it scares me. I've never felt like this," I looked away.

"Look at me Alex," he put his finger under my chin. "I would never hurt you. So why don't we, dry up, put some pajamas on and watch some tv."

I nodded and smiled, "that sounds perfect." He kissed my cheek, before getting some clothes. I did the same.

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