Saturday 12:21pm

35 4 0

Kyle and I were laying down in his bunk, we covered the entrances with an extra blanket. His body was was over mine and his hands at my waist. My body was under his and my hand were loosely around his neck.

He went down my neck, I hummed I response. I chuckled a little bit as his hair tickled my face. He giggled and looked at me, he shook his head.

My phone started ringing, I grabbed it out of my back pocket. "Hello?" I answered.

"Alex where are you?" It was Shannon.

"I'm in the bedroom, why?" I asked her.

"Do you not hear the humming in the room next to it? Me and Johnnie are in the sound studio," she told me.

"Okay we'll be there in a second," I hung up and sighed. "We need to go to the sound studio. Johnnie and Shannon heard humming from the room over," I told him.

We both got up, and walked down the hallway to the studio. Bryan was working on a song and everyone piled in there.

"You guys didn't hear the humming?" Johnnie asked us.

"No, maybe we did but cancelled it out," Kyle shrugged and put an arm around me.

"You guys were doing it!" Shannon shouted.

"No we weren't!" I shouted back laughing at her.

"Mmh," she rolled her eyes. "Alex come with me to get some water," she hit my knee.

I followed her out to the kitchen, "so how many times have you guys had sex?" She asked me. She got a bottle water from the fridge.

"Once, only once," I informed her.

"It should happen again," she joked.

"Mmh what about you and Tyler? Have you two had sex," I smiled.

"Maybe," we both laughed a little bit.

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