Friday 10:37am

39 7 0

Today, we are going to Magic Kingdom. I had pulled on my black ripped up shorts. Then a tank top with a gray, red and black flannel around my waist.

I slipped on my shoes, I went over to the sinks and brushed my teeth. Kyle was peeing and changing. They door opened, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Good morning," he smiled with his chin on my shoulder.

I spit out the toothpaste, and wiped my mouth. "Good morning," I sat on the counter top. I started finish my make up, I had finished the face part but not the eyes and stuff.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Kyle asked.

I turned to him with my legs dangling off the edge. "Yeah what's up Balls?" I asked.

"I just, I never want to lose us being grateful for things. Like old, mean, scary couples," we both laughed. "While we've been together there's been so many great things that have happened. I never want to lose sight that, that could've not happened. And that we need to be happy it did," he had a whole speech prepared.

"As long as I'm with you I'll always be happy about it," I kissed him.

I finished the rest of my make up, Kyle got his shoes on. We both turned out all the lights and walked down stairs latched onto each other a bit.

We were all meeting downstairs to go get coffee. "Well the power couple finally showed up," Bailey informed everyone.

"No dip little one," I laughed.

"You guys are the first ones up, what took you so long?" Johnnie asked.

"Kyle had to go to the bathroom," I told them.

We piled into the car, ad drove to the closest Starbucks to Magic Kingdom. We sat at 2 tables of 4, Kyle and I were sitting with Shannon and Tyler.

I took my first sip of my White Mocha Coffee. I felt awaken already.

"So what did you guys do last night?" She did the that's non of my business thingy.

"Hung out," Kyle shrugged.

"Don't lie to me, I forgot my phone charger in your room. Don't think I didn't see you guys making out on the table," Tyler started laughing at her.

"Okay okay Shannon keep your voice down," I said to her. "Happy? You know the truth," Kyle shook his head.

"No say it," she tempted.

Kyle leaned in, "Alex and I had sex. Happy?" He asked her.

"Very," she smirked.

Throughout the day, we've split up a bit. Kyle and I were recording, our trip with us on the kiddy rides.

When it got closer to dark, I grabbed Shannon and Bailey and we went on this like nature boat tour that I wanted to go on. We all sat together, they told us no recording but like I wanted to get this in the vlog. Shannon kept making jokes about how the animals yelled.

When we got off the boat it was almost time for the fireworks. So all of us meet back up on the Main Street. It was getting cold out, before I kinda thought about it. Kyle untied the flannel from around my waist and put it on me.

They started the fireworks, we were recording it and acting like idiots.

This rude lady shouted at us, "you two need to fucking stop."

Kyle didn't think anything of it, I looked at her with her kid next to her. "Excuse me, consider that your child is as tall as your hip, I don't think they need to hear cursing. Even if you don't care if your child hears it, there's other responsible parents who don't want there kids to hear it."

I went back over to Kyle and continued doing what we were doing. He put his camera away and wrapped his arm around me.

I put my camera on us and smiled, he kissed my cheek. I turned to him and he kissed me again.

I smiled and turned back to the fireworks.

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