Tuesday 11:56am

37 3 0


It's been two months of Alex being gone to London. She should be coming home soon. I haven't got to talk to her much, she hasn't got a lot of WiFi there.

We've been in the sun for an hour now. We're all starting to sweat already.

I heard a scream that was quickly covered up. We all kind of laughed and shook our heads.

"Kyle when is Alex coming home?" Johnnie asked me.

"She hasn't been able to say," I shrugged. "She said she'll tell me right when she knows," he nodded.

A few pictures here and there. It's a good last day of Warped Tour.


My hand flew over the girls mouth, I started laughing quietly. "You guys can't tell him I'm here yet," I chuckled.

I was hiding behind everyone in line. "Why aren't you telling Kyle you're here?" One girl asked.

"It's a surprise," I smiled. "When we get close enough I'll go behind the tent."

"How do you know that Kyle doesn't know you're sneaking around?" The one who screamed asked.

"Because a security guard brought me here," we got closer to the tent. "I got to go," I waved to the girls and went behind the tent.

I fixed my hair a bit, and opened the back of the tent. I put my pointer finger to my lips, at the girl who was getting something sighed by Kyle.

I snuck up behind him, I put my hands covering his eyes. "Guess who it is," I whispered in his ear.

"Is it possibly my girlfriend who I've been missing for 2 months," he pulled my hands off of his eyes

I turned to Kyle, "Did you miss me?" I asked him.

He stared at me for a minute before saying, "God yes I fucking did." He wrapped his arms around me, "I missed you so much. You're never aloud to leave for that long ever again. It was too long."

"Amen," we heard behind us, "we missed her too can we get our hug now?" Bryan said.

I laughed, "of course you can." I let go of Kyle and went over to Bryan and Johnnie. I gave Alex, and Jordan a hug too.

"Hey I'm Damon," it was a guy with blue hair.

"I'm Alex," I smiled.

I went over to Kyle he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you so much."

I smiled at him, "I missed you too."

"I've got a questions," he said, "why did you ever tell me you could sing?"

"Um, I'm gonna go now," I laughed as I jumped over the little wood table. I ran over to some of their fans.

"Alex can I have a photo with you!" One shouted.

"Of course," I took her phone and took photos with her. I did this with a few other girls before Kyle pulled me to him.

I wrapped my arms around him looking up. He caressed my cheeks, as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

There was a loud ohhhhh and Awhhhh. There was also a few stops. But we just smiled.

11:34amWhere stories live. Discover now