Odd Day.

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I'd woken up the next morning as sun streamed through the window, casting a bright glow across the bed. Pulling myself up I stretched, I'd had a good night's sleep and now, it was time to explore. I realized that on my way in I'd completely forgotten to stop at a 7/11 and grab some dinner as well as some supplies for breakfast. So instead of making breakfast I decided I'd stop at a diner in town, while I was exploring the new town. I also needed to buy a list of groceries from the shops, then hopefully go and see Mr. and Mrs. Smith to thank them for everything they'd done so far.

Putting my Ray-Ban glasses on I hopped into the Chevy and pulled away from the cabin and headed towards town. I went to see Mr. And Mrs. Smith first to tell them that I'd arrived fine and found the key. Then I'd grab a bite to eat at a diner, grab the groceries and head back to the cabin. I pulled up in front of the small house where a mail box stood with the name Smith written across it.

Getting out the car I walked up to the door and knocked twice, after a few seconds Mrs. Smith opens the door.

Her soft brown eyes widening slightly in surprise as she mumbles "Can I help you?"

"Mrs. Smith? My name is Cole St. Marks, I'm the one renting your cabin in the woods?"

"Oh! Of course dear. Come in, come in! Would you like a cup of tea or would you prefer coffee?" She asks sweetly.

"Oh, some coffee would be amazing. Thank you!"

"No problem, I'll call my husband so that you two can chat while I make your coffee." She says walking out, towards the kitchen I presume.

A few seconds later a man with white-silver hair walks into the room. He smiles at me as I stand, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Mr. Smith, my name is Cole St. Marks. I'm renting your cabin in the woods?"

"Oh hello. It's very nice to meet you, young man. So what brings you to Jackson?" Curiosity peaking his tone.

"Oh, I'm not sure really. I've been traveling America for the past two years and I ended up in Jackson. There's no real reason for it, I guess I'm trying to find out who I am without an image being forced upon me by anyone else."

Mr. Smith looks at me thoughtfully as light steps move across the carpet towards us, looking up I see Mrs. Smith with the same expression on her face. She was holding three cups in her hand, moving swiftly I plucked them out of her hands and placed them on the table.

"Oh. Thank you Cole! I thought I was going to spill on the carpet!"

"My pleasure Ma'am." I say smiling at her.

"Oh please! I may be old but don't call me ma'am, my name is June and this is Carl."

I bob my head in response. "I just came by to tell you that I was here. I found the key and my bags are in the cabin. It's absolutely stunning, and the view is gorgeous! I can't wait to paddle across the lake and swim in it. Everything is just amazing, I feel completely at home. So thank you so very much for allowing me to use it."

"Oh thank you! The cabins been in our family for centuries and the lake is amazing for swimming in during summer, as well as having a picnic or a barbecue on the shore with friends." Mrs. Smith replies smiling at me.

We spoke a little longer and finished our coffee, standing I thanked them again and we made our way to the door. I stepped out into the summer sun as it heated my tanned skin, the wind playing with my blonde hair and throwing it into my eyes. As I began walking towards my car Mr. Smith called my name turning around I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it out of my eyes as he said "the woods around the cabin are safe to run in. No one will bother you, human or other."

What an odd thing to say? How'd they know I enjoyed to run? More so in the woods? "Ummm, alright? Thank you, I guess?" I reply with a look of confusion playing on my face.

Mrs. Smith turns to look at him with wide eyes.

I turn around and continue walking towards my Chevy, thoughts of what he'd just said flying through my mind as I sat in the seat of the Chevy and turned the key. The engine rumbling to life beneath me. Slowly I made my way through Jackson looking for a diner to stop and have breakfast at. I noticed a small cafe on the corner of one of the streets. Pulling up outside I cut the engine and made my way inside. Pulling off my Ran-Bans as I went.

A few of the patrons looked up at me as I passed. Sitting down at one of the tables a waitress came over and I ordered an English breakfast and a black coffee.

As I waited for my food I noticed that a few of the people that had stared at me when I walked in we're now giving we wary glances every now and again. It was odd but maybe they weren't used to seeing tourists in summer? Maybe winter was the time all the tourists came to Jackson so they could hit the slopes.

The waitress laid my breakfast before me with a smile, nodding at her I began to eat. Damn I was hungry. For someone who had very little fat on them I could probably eat my own body weight in food. I seriously needed to get to the shops to buy groceries otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive much longer.

After basically cleaning the plate of all the food and drinking my coffee I threw some bills on the table, climbed back into the Chevy and hit a store to grab stuff for the cabin. After filling my trolley, and noticing the same looks from some of the people in the store I made my way out to the Chevy and made my way home. Music blaring from the speakers as I sang along to 'Bad Dream' by The Mowgli's.

"With every beautiful new sight,
I see that perfect golden light
Against your eyes
Tried hold it up
Try to live it up
Seal it with your touch
Everything at once.

You only get what you put into this life
So how could anybody be living in a bad dream.

Ooh, when you got this open road
And the sun is shining
How could anybody be living in a bad dream
Oooh, with the top down drivin' slow
All the love that I know
How could anybody be living in a bad dream..."

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