Family Fights.

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"Holy fuck." I exclaimed.

"COLE ALEXANDER! You watch your language around the twins." My father snapped out at me.

"Shut up." I replied coldly.

"You do not-" James began... but I'd had enough by this point. The girls were right. I handed the twins to Hadley and Kansas before stepping out of their protective circle.

"I don't give a fuck what you have to say. You have absolutely no control over me James. Never have and never will. You're propably just some little weak wolf, you mean nothing and I suggest you realise that as soon as possible." I snapped at him, now in his personal face. My face inches away from his own.

At 6"3 I stood taller than his 6"1 frame. He may have scared me before but I was too angry to give a shit.

His eyes widened at my statement before he realised what I had said and his anger kicked in. "You have no idea who you're speaking to Brother."

"I don't give a damn asshole." I replied before turning my eyes on my parents, both of who were staring at me in shock.

"You knew... all along you knew and you said nothing. What the hell kind of parents are you? You're Werewolves and you couldn't have mentioned this the entire 20 years we lived in the same house? You're such a disgrace." I cruely shouted out.

"You." A deadly word sliced through the air, "You had no right to tell him." My mother's words were directed at Morgan, who stood silently beside me.

"Shut up, Mother." I replied just as coldly, shifting so I stood slightly in front of Morgan.

My mother could be an icy bitch when she wanted to be and it wasn't Morgan's fault.

"She had every right. If my own flesh and blood wouldn't tell me then she had every right to do so." I replied stiffly, staring her down.

"What? Are you screwing the slut? Is that why she's here? Are you screwing all 3 of them?." My father's words were like a slap in the face.

However before i could respond Morgan did.

"I suggest you remember your place Richard. My ranking is far higher than yours will ever be. I may not rule my blood pack but I will always be superior to you." She informed him, calmly walking towards him with lethal grace. "Do you understand me? I deserve respect and I shall have it. AM I UNDERSTOOD?" Morgan's voice had risen in strength and I watched as everyone in the room bared their necks to her. The twins included. It appeared as though i was the only one exempt from her Alpha power.

According to Hadley and Kansas, each Alpha has a power greater than everyone in their pack. The beta is second strongest and then the head warrior. It helps keep wolves in line and shows respect for the Alpha. It also tells you how strong the Alpha is.

And clearly from this display she was greater than anyone in the room. Which wasn't overly suprising to be honest.

After a while Morgan must have pulled her power back as they all raised their heads again. The twins stared at her in awe, while James and my parents stared in hatred.

"What exactly am I missing here?" I finally questioned as the silence dragged on.

"You mean why your family hates me?" I nod in response. "Because I threatened to murder each and every one of them, roughly 5 years ago." She replied coldly.

At this my family proceeded to growl at her, to which the girls responded to in a similar way.

"Enough!" I called to them all before turning back to the Alpha. "Why?"

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