Little Wolf.

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It wasn't her.

It wasn't her.

It wasn't fucking her.

The words ripped through my heart, tore at the seams of it and broke me piece by piece. How could it not of been her? It had to have been her. It had to have been Morgan. But it wasn't.

In front of me sat a girl. A plain girl. Your average girl. Everything about her was average. Her knotted brownish hair was average. The light color of her cream skin was average. The way she sat was average. Everything was just so.... Average.

Or maybe that was just because everything about Morgan was so not average. The way her beautiful hair was long and chocolatey and shiny. The way her emerald eyes sparkled whenever the light hit them. When her lips turned down in a frown as she glared at me for one of my many stupid moves. Everything was just so not... Average.

God I sounded like some love struck teenager as I thought all of this but it was so true. So goddamn true. With a sigh I slipped the key into the lock. Even if she wasn't Morgan, she was still my mate and I had to get her out of her before the tide rose. Sighing again, I turned the key. The sound of the door unlocking echoed through the caves.

I stepped through the doorway, slipping the key into my pocket as I made a move to get closer to my average mate. Her scent invading my senses, as my brain tried so hard to process what was going on right now.

Something hit my shoulder, it knocked me off balancing, slamming me into the cold, wet and sharp ground of the cell.

"What the fuck!" I hissed out, as my face bit into the sharp cave floor.

Without a second thought I threw my weight backwards, spinning as I did so, allowing me to slam whoever or whatever was on my back against the closest object. Hearing a pained grunt I spun around, my hands instantly stilling as I realized who exactly the falling object was.

And then I smelt it. Her woodsy scent and just a hint of vanilla, something I'd never smelt before on her. But I knew... I knew it was her. And then I looked down. And I saw her beautiful green orbs.

"Morgan." I whispered out. Thank god I finally fucking found her.

And then she whispered something I didn't think I'd ever hear.

"Mate." She was staring at me in surprise.

Holy. Shit.


My heart was palpitating, my chest bursting, my brain flying. Mate.

She'd said it. We were mates. We were actually mates. Thank god it wasn't plain Jane in the corner over there. And then I realized I'd found her.

A smile lit up my face as relief danced across my eyes. "You're okay. Thank god you're okay. Jesus, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been-" I was mumbling and babbling as my hands flittered across her, making sure she was actually in front of me, staring up at me with an indecipherable look on her face, and then my fingers met the bare skin of her collar bone.

And that's when I felt it...

The Sparks. The tingles. I gasped in surprise, jerking backwards and landing on my ass. At my abrupt departure Morgan's body snapped up into a sitting position, her eyes wary and watching my every move. There were so many emotions running through both of us that I couldn't decipher what she was thinking... Did she want me? Probably not. Would she reject me? I couldn't say.

I had no idea what was going on in that pretty little head of hers, and that worried me.

"Jesus. We leave you alone for five minutes and you decide that rolling around on the ground is a social norm?" Kansas' voice breaks through the tense silence, as she casually strolls towards me with a smirk.

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