Interacting With A Were.

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Hadley, Kansas and I had just finished our morning run (yes, this had now become a thing. My once peaceful mornings had turned into racing one or both of the girls through the woods and to the lake.), and we were now sprawled out on the pier as we waited for the lake water to dry from our soaked clothing.

My eyes wandering the scenery I noticed a shadow in the trees, the light causing it to shift in and out of my vision as I lazily followed it's progress in the trees. What if it's that wolf from before? The white one. Id seen glimpses of things in the woods but we were living on the border of national parks, so it was to be expected really.

The shadow eventually broke through the treeline, my thoughts of the wolf being correct. There it sat, beneath the shadow of one of the larger pines back on its haunches. It's dusty white coat was noticeable against the deep brown wood of the tree. My thoughts trailed on for a while, before one I hadn't imagined before sparked to life.

"Are all wolves in the area Were's?" I aired the question darting around my mind, trying not to bring attention to the wolf in question.

"Yeah. There were wild wolves here before but having a pack move in they sort of disappeared, from what I know the last time one was spotted it was a lot deeper into the woods. One of the areas we don't visit often." Kansas replied softly. "Why? Have you seen a wolf close by?" At that question her tone darkened, her warrior training kicking in.

Without waiting for a reply she sat up, her eyes darting around the lake. Searching the trees for any sign of movement or for the outline of a wolf.

I knew when she'd seen the wolf, her breath whooshing through the gap of her lips.

"Are you serious?" Hadley questioned, her head perking up from the wood of the pier.

"What are y-Hey! We discussed this, there's no telepathy when I'm around!" I exclaimed glancing between the two.

However neither of them had replied to me, both solely focused on the wolf across the lake.

"Shit, it is." Hadley breathed out, her brows dropping in confusion.

"Alright what?" I questioned completely confused by their one sided conversation.

"Nothing." The two answered in unison, glancing betwen each other before watching the wolf slip through the trees and disappear once more.

Huffing at the two Were's I turned back to the last place I'd seen the wolf. Well Werewolf I assume, if what the other two said was right. Now the question was, Who was it?


It'd been almost a week since I'd last been to the Pack house, almost a week since I'd seen the nutcase of an Alpha. Too bad it hadn't lasted longer. Not seeing Morgan I mean, the Pack house on the other hand I actually enjoyed. When there wasn't glass being shattered and doors punched.

Kansas, Griffyn and I were sprawled out on the couches in the lounge watching re-runs of Buffy The Vampire Slayer while devouring unhealthy food by the tonne.

Griffyn was one of the group I'd met at Crimson when I'd lost it with Morgan. He was actually really chilled and probably the only member of the Pack other than Hadley, Kansas or Morgan that I'd spent time with. He was currently filling in for Hadley who was off on her Beta duties. Which she'd apparently been slacking on.

Movement by the window caught my eye. Glancing out of it I noticed a shadow shifting through the trees. My curiosity peaked, I pushed off the couch before exiting the room. Griffyn and Kansas taking no notice of my departure, their eyes zoned in on the TV screen.

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