Kisses And Quarrels.

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Hey all its Sav18Ager here, I'm sure you've all noticed that the co-author of this story (GhostWriter11) , hardly ever comments so yea. Hope you're all loving the story, if you are let us know!  It's not a Sunday no, however seeing as my beloved homeland (Zimbabwe) appears to be burning around me, I thought I'd update ☺️ Please don't be a silent reader! Comment, like, share! Xoxo ❤️

I was pissed. Completely and utterly. In both senses of the word. I was angry and I was drunk. Probably not the best combination but oh well...

20 minutes later:

My ass met cold, hard concrete, biting into the exposed skin of my arm and cheek.

I groaned as I rolled over. I could barely feel the pain that was flowing from my many cuts and bruises. I could taste the blood that dripped from both my eye and from my lip, and I could feel the numbness ebbing from my cheek, ribs and arms.

I'd gotten into a bit of a bar brawl. Okay maybe more than a bit. Don't ask me how it started cause I have no idea. All I know is that I ended up beating the crap out of three guys, they got a couple of hits in, and then I got dumped on my ass outside by the bouncer. And we'll that's where I was now.

Pushing myself off the asphalt I stood up. Rolling my shoulders I grinned before stumbling off again.

It'd been around 6pm when I left the house and I'd say it was probably about 3 am now. So I should probably be making my way home... And so that's what I did. I stumbled through town and went home.

Bad idea...

"Where the hell have you been?" Her voice trailed through the empty foyer, a light flicking on seconds later.

I waited awhile, my drunken state taking a while to allow me to process the sudden illumination of the room. Trailing my eyes upwards as fast as they'd go (which wasn't very fast, considering) my eyes met her beautiful emerald orbs. She was stunning. Her long chocolatey hair pulled up into a messy bun, her tanned and toned arms crossed over her chest, her full pink lips turned down in a frown.

"My god!" She breathed out as she took in my state. All anger dissipating from her eyes, turning to worry and confusion as she took the steps two at a time to get to me. Her eyes were wide when she reached me, making them even more beautiful than before. Her soft fingertips trailed their way along my jaw, taking a ghostly path as they moved over my injuries.

Shaking her head at me she huffed out a breath of air before clasping my hand in hers and dragging me into a bathroom. I did it without thinking, I locked our fingers together and rubbed my thumb over her hand. I saw her falter before she continued to drag me towards the bathroom. Her hands pushed me down onto the toilet seat as she turned on the tap.

As she began prepping to clean me up I let my eyes trail over her, noticing all the small things I'd never noticed before. Her tongue gently poked out as she focused on what she was doing. She drummed her fingers against the table counter as she got irritated with waiting for the water to heat. She trailed her thumb over her bottom lip as she contemplated what she was doing. Her brows furrowed in thought. Her eyelashes delicately brushing her cheeks when she blinked.

"You know staring is rude, don't you?" Her lilting voice called out, her eyes dancing across to meet mine briefly.

I could only shrug in response, leaning my head back against the wall as I waited. My eyes drifting shut of their own accord.

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