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"Cole..." She said it in the most broken way.

"Of course. I don't know why I expected you to stay." I shrugged, a cold façade graced my face as I studied the scene before me.

"Cole don't be-"

"Be like what?" I cut her off again, my voice taking on a vicious tone. "I was fucking in love with you and you left. Why would you stay now?"

The words were cruel, but they were true. There were no obligations she had to fill, she had better things to do with her life than stick around me. Before she could utter another word I walked out.

Guess who was getting in another bar brawl tonight?

Annnnnndd I did it again.

Okay so maybe this time was a little worse than before but heeeyyy! Oh well.

I rolled over as best I could without jolting my dislocated shoulder. Spitting out some of the blood in my mouth and clearing my sight of blood before standing up. It was like déjà vu but with more blood, a dislocated shoulder and a couple of broken ribs. Yaaayy!

No. It was not a smart idea but guess who doesn't care? Me!

Stumbling along the walkway I decided not to make my way home, but to rather go to the alcove bay. My favorite surfing spot. Almost no one knew about it, and I'm pretty sure that no one would be going there at almost 4 in the morning.

It took me a while but I eventually reached my destination, dropping down onto the cold sand I watched, as the moonlight glinted off the waves, reflecting itself back. It was beautiful. As was the shift as the moon set and the sun began to rise. Colors painted the sky and the water, flooding out across the endless expanse of ocean.

I'd been sitting there for hours before I realized that I should probably make my way home. The sun was fully awake and the world had come back to life a while ago, so I guess it was time for me to do so as well.

"What do you mean she's gone?" My voice barked through the household as I stared at Kansas and Hadley, who sat across from me.

"We mean she's gone, Cole. As in *poof* gone!" Kansas snapped at me in frustration.

5 minutes prior:

I stumbled through the doorway, sleep dragging at the edges of my sanity. My lip was busted, dried blood coating it as well as a substantial part of my body. In some ways I begged that no one was around, least of all Morgan. I didn't want her seeing me in such a broken way. But on the other hand I craved for her to see me like this, craved for her fingers to flit their way across my split lip as she tended to my wounds. I craved for her scent and the way she'd bit her lip in concentration as she worked on all the cuts and bruises. I wanted her presence. I craved it.

Jesus I was beyond drunk. This was drunk me talking. Not sober me. It couldn't be sober me. Sober me hated her, completely and utterly. And then that damn stupid voice reminded me of a saying I'd once seen....

A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.

And then chaos occurred.

I heard the shouting. The raised voices echoed from the dinning room, and of course I had to follow. Buried swear to everything I know I wish that I hadn't.

I saw them first, Kansas and Hadley. Hadley was pacing a concerned look on her face. Kansas... Kansas was pissed. She was bent over the table, her fisted hands pushing into its mahogany table as she growled out at the people in front of her. My brain could barely process the words and things happening in the room, until two words left Hadley's lips.

"Morgan's missing..." They were barely above a whisper, spoken in a questioning manner. As though she questioned the entirety of the words. As though she wasn't quite sure what the hell was going on.

But they broke me out of my drunken, tired stupor. She couldn't be gone. No.

"What?" I breathed out, my heartbeat fumbling over itself.

Everyone turned to me in that moment. Hadley's eyes widening at my beaten state, as Kansas watched my reaction in worry. My parents and family were seated at the table, Aaron looked as Hadley did, the twins surprisingly looked sad, my parents and James... They looked like they couldn't give less of a fuck at where she was.

"What do you mean she's missing?" I echoed out, my brain not quite processing the words.

Kansas was the one to answer. "Well we don't know that she's actually missing, she may have gone to search for you, or she may just be out for a-"

"God damnit Kansas, stop giving him false hope!" Hadley snapped. Her usual soft tone turning vicious. "She's gone and you know it, we can't bloody contact her with the mind link, and you know just as well as I do that she's not purposefully blocking us. This isn't her doing. She's gone."

My brother was out of his seat in seconds, his arms wrapping around his mate as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. He whispered words to her before glancing up at me and shaking his head. She's gone. He lifted her up before carrying her out of the room, her soft cries lilting through the room.

My gaze turned to Kansas. Her face contained a broken expression on it... I could see she was trying to be hopefully for the both of our sakes. The girls were close and the blonde didn't want her best friend, and Alpha, to be in danger. But she was. With a shake of her head Kansas too left the room.

My gaze moved to the last people in the room. My family. All of them had carefree looks on their faces, as if they were bored with all of this.

"You really couldn't give a shit could you?" My broken voice echoed through the room as I watched their faces.

"No." My mother replied snidely, actually lifting her nose up!

"She probably ran off with some guy she met, they're probably screwing somewhere. I'm sure the slut will be perfectly fine."  That was my father's  only reply, to which my brother grinned in satisfaction as though he'd succeeded in something wonderful.

I was pissed, to say the least. My father's words burnt at me as he spoke so crudely of Morgan.

"You know nothing about her!" I snapped at the Three of them.

"And what? You do?" My bitch of a mother screamed out.

"Yes, yes I fucking do! She'd do anything for anyone of the people she loved. She's strong, brave, trustworthy, honorable, blunt. She's a better person than any of you could ever hope to be. And she's one hell of a woman." I snapped out, my fist meet the surface of the table, a loud crack snapping through the room.

"Well she won't be for long." My older brother scoffed in response, with satisfaction in his eyes.

My breathing hitched at that. She won't be for long.


I was having an internal battle with myself. One half of me saying it couldn't be true, the other saying it had to be. They couldn't have done something like that, could they? Kidnap her? Could they really-and then I remembered. They murdered her family in cold blood. Of course they could.

All I could feel was rage. Betrayal and rage. How could they do something like this? How could they possibly be so inhuman and power hungry? They were bastards. They were just as bad as fucking Theon Greyjoy in Game Of Thrones...

I felt the rage as it poured through my system, my blood felt as though it was igniting, lighting up my insides as I stared at the family I thought I knew. My mind conjured up images of them ripping her from her bed and abducting her, murdering her father for power. All of the things my mind could conjure, it did. It fueled my anger so much so that my vision began to turn red as the rage consumed me. And then I felt it.

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