Home? More Like Hell.

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The first thought I had was that I couldn't breathe.

Something was constricting my chest and I could barely inhale any air. The feeling jerked me awake, my body snapping upright as I swallowed as much air as I possibly could. My vision was blurry as I tried to remember what happened. Reaching up, a soft material constricted me.


Bandages for the wounds.

I'd been attacked by a Were. I'd fought a Were. I'd killed one.

Blinking rapidly my vision cleared, glancing around the room, it was the same one I'd been in the first time I'd woken up at the pack house. Sighing I lifted my hand to run it through my hair, only to hiss and stop the action as the healing muscle and bone shifted in my shoulder.

With a sigh I heaved myself off the bed, the movement biting into my body. I waited as the dizziness dissipated before stumbling towards the door, my right shoulder clutched in my left hand. Opening the door I stepped out into the corridor. Voices drew me to the left, towards an unfamiliar section of the Pack house and to an intricately carved wooden door.

An open door.

With a hand on the door frame I eased my weight off of me, relying on the door to keep me steady as I listened in on the conversation taking place.

Seated behind a large wooden desk was the Alpha herself, hair pulled up in a messy ponytail as her head rested back on her office chair. Hadley was seated on a leather couch to the left of the door, her head resting in her hands as her vibrant hair hung limply around her face. Kansas was seated on the burgundy rug, her back resting against the couch.

"-I'm worried though." Morgan's voice came out softer than I'd ever heard before, her hand scrubbing at her pale face.

"Morgan, he lost a lot of blood. It's to be expected." Hadley replied, her voice tight as worry laced it.

"Not only that, but he also took out a Were on his own." The last of the trio voiced as she rubbed her temples.

If I was being 100% honest they looked like hell. It was blindly clear that they hadn't had much sleep as well as the fact that they were all fairly stressed out.

"Well aren't you lot a sight for sore eyes." I piped up from my position at the door.

All three heads snapped up at the sound of my voice. The shock evident on all their faces as they stared wide-eyed at me.

"What are you doing up? You should be in bed." Morgan exclaimed rising from her chair and hurrying over to me, closely followed by the remaining two.

With the three of them ushering me back to my room I really had no choice but to head back the way I'd come.

"I'm fine." I replied gruffly, not used to the amount of affection the cold hearted Alpha was showing me.

"Fine? You are anything but fine, Cole. Honestly-"

"Morgan." Kansas cut her off, the two sharing a look before Morgan shut her mouth with a tight click.

"Please get these things off me." I groaned as we entered my room, pulling at the white bandages wrapped around the majority of my chest.

"No." The tone of Morgan's voice brokered no argument. "The doc is on her way." Her eyes trailed the bandages coating me, her lips turning down.

Hadley, who'd been watching me as if I was a wounded animal wandered towards me. Slipping a hand into mine she squeezed it, her concerned eyes roaming the mass of white. A growl broke through the room, both Hadley and I's eyes darting towards the person behind the growl. Morgan's eyes were a vivid green as they locked onto the two of us. Before anyone could comment on her odd behavior the doctor walked in, stethoscope around her neck and glasses perched on her nose.

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