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After I'd arrived back at the cabin yesterday I put all the groceries away, made the bed, put my clothes in the cupboard and made myself some food. By that stage it was around 3pm, I'd spent the rest of the day relaxing on the couch watching tv, I'd fallen a sleep in the middle of a supernatural marathon.

So waking up this morning wasn't all too comfortable. I had a knot in my neck, and my legs were stiff from being curled up all night. Making my way into the kitchen I pulled out a couple of eggs, some bacon and a tomato, fried them up and ate my breakfast on the porch looking out at the lake.

I was still in the wrinkled clothes I'd been wearing yesterday so after eating I made my way to bathroom to shower. After washing my hair and body I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Walking out to the porch with coffee in hand and towel around my waist I gazed at the magnificent site before me, the glare of the sun on the lake making the crystal clear water shimmer.

The trees created a barrier around the lake apart from the side that faced the house, which had been cleared of trees for easy access to the lake. That's when I saw it. The shadow in the trees. It looked like some sort of animal, which didn't particularly surprise me since I was basically in the middle of the woods.

Slowly making my way down the porch and closer to the lake I could see the outline more clearly. Then it slipped through a break in the trees. A wolf. It was gorgeous, pure white fur coated its body and it moved with an ethereal grace that held me captive. I wonder what it's fur would feel like running through my fingers? Would it be soft or coarse?

The wolf was huge, I'd never seen something this big. That's when it turned to me, the only distinct detail I could see from this distance was how large it was. Then it turned and walked along the shore and back into the trees, disappearing from sight within seconds.

I was still standing their almost five minutes later with my mouth open and a mug of Luke-warm coffee held in one hand. Realizing this I shook my head and walked back up to the cabin, moving into my room a changed into a pair of board shorts and went to check out the lake. The weather was warm and it was only about 10 a.m, so arriving at the shore

I examined the canoe and the boat. Both were in good condition and each of them had paddles, grabbing the canoe and tucking it under one arm with the paddle in the other, I made my way to the waters edge. Slowly placing the canoe into the water so as not to damage the bottom of it, I wade into the water for a few feet and then climb into the canoe.

Softly paddling towards the center of the lake, the muscles in my shoulders and lower back contracting and relaxing as I pulled the paddle through the crystal water of the lake. By the time I reached the middle of the lake I was hot and sweaty, so putting the paddle into the canoe I dove into the water slowly doing a few breast-stroke kicks and then emerging past the surface of the water. The water was cool and felt amazing on my heated skin, flinging my hair out of my eyes I watched water droplets scatter around me in an arc.

I'd been idly floating in the lake eyes closed, face up towards the sun for a while now. Slowly I began treading water again and as I looked up I caught sight of the white wolf again, only this time it sat at the shore watching me, while it bathed in the sunlight flitting through the trees. It appeared relaxed but its ears twitched every time I moved in the slightest. It was aware of every move I made.

Making up my mind I slowly began to swim toward it, pulling the canoe with me, but before I could get halfway it noticed me and ran off into the woods again. It seemed friendly, but it could be dangerous... I'd never heard of a wolf coming so close to a person before, maybe it was used to people staying here during winter and when the Smiths lived here? It always ran when I got closer to it, so clearly it wasn't tame... Hopefully it won't be a danger. I wonder if it'll come back?

Slowly I climbed back into the canoe and paddled my way back to the side of the lake that held the cabin. Jumping out I carried the canoe and paddle out and then made my way up the porch steps and towards the bathroom. I think it's time that I went out and socialized, hopefully I can find a good bar or club that will be pumping.

As I enter the bathroom I flick on the tap letting the water heat well I pulled off my board shorts, I stepped into the shower as steam billowed around me condensing on my skin and engulfing me in a wave of warmth. The water beat down on my back, relaxing the muscles as I shivered. I showered while my thoughts floated back to the wolf. It was so captivating, from the way it moved to the way it's fur glowed in the sun on the lake of the shore. I wondered what it would feel like to run as a wolf, on four feet instead of two. It must be the most amazing feeling, flying across the ground as trees blur past. Would sights and smells be different in wolf form?

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around myself and moved to the bedroom to change...

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