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Noami's POV

We've been in Jamaica for about a week now. Everyday, Tray has something romantic. Its so cute. Everyday I wake up happy because I am engaged to not only my baby's father, the love of my life, but to my best friend also.

Also, we haven't had no type of sex or sexual contact. Its driving me crazy! Like what kind of person propose and not want to get it on? That's still questionable to me and is in my head.

Yesterday, we just decided to stay in, order out, and watch Forest Gump. Which is one of my favorite movies.

I rolled over and he wasn't next to me. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I did there was a sticky note on the mirror.

Tyrone and I are not here. But we want you to get dress because there's somewhere you need to be.

After I read the note, I went and checked the room. Why in the hell can he just leave me in Jamaica alone? I don't know where anything is.

I started not to worry because I know Tray. He wouldn't let nothing happen to me. So, I got into the shower and then got out to brush my teeth.

I went in the room and into my closet. I didn't know what to put on. I turned and saw a note on the door.

Outfit of the day, just dressed down and relaxed.

I read that and grabbed a striped, cropped, tube top with a pair of black sweats. Then I put on a pair on black sandals. And I put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my phone and left out.

I walked through the lobby and a valet man stopped me.

"Are you Noami?" he asked.

"Why?" I questioned.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Tray sent me, see." he said giving me a note.

Stop giving the damn man a bad time.

I started laughing.

"Follow me please." he stated.

I followed him and waiting out side was a black BMW. And standing next to it was a girl.

"Hey, I'm Meghan, a friend of Tray's." she said reaching out her hand.

"Excuse me?" I stated.

I looked at her crazy until she handed me a note.

She's helping you, now get your axs in the car.

I laughed and got in the car and so did she.

"I don't know where I'm going." I stated

"That's for me to tell you." she said.

"What do you mean?"

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