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Noami's POV

It was late at night and Tyrone and I were picking up the gift wrappers off the floor. It was Christmas night and this Christmas has been a real heartbreaker for all of us, especially me.

"So, how do you feel about today?" I asked Tyrone.

"What do you mean?" he questioned.

"Did you enjoy Christmas?"

"No." he said shaking his head.

"Why not?"

I knew what was the problem. It was just sad to know that he knows what's going on. He's just a baby, my baby.

"I miss daddy." he stated.

"I miss him too."

"When can he come home?" he asked.

"I don't know baby, don't know." I said.

He started wiping his face and I knew that he was about to cry. I picked him up and onto the counter, and hugged him.

Not only was I heartbroken but my son was too. And also, the baby felt that same because all he does is move around. He doesn't kick anymore.

I'm so depressed that I don't even know what to do. And on the other side, my baby shower is tomorrow. Perfect timing right? Wrong.

I wanted Tray to be there, at least at this point in our lives we would've done made up and we have been in our house living as a family.

But sometimes, when I think of him, I think about what happen in the club. I'm still hurt, no matter what.

I took Tyrone off the countertop and I went to take him a bath. Afterwards, I tucked him in the bed and kissed his forehead. I went to close the door and a knock came to the front.

Didn't know who it could be at this time of the night. When I looked through the blinds, it was Elizabeth and Mrs. Linda.

I took a deep breath because I didn't want to be bothered. I went to open the door and they had a box in their hands.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"Its Christmas isn't it?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah? So what?"

"Just open the box Noami. We think you'll love it." Mrs. Linda stated.

I sighed and opened the box. It was a long dress, with a lace long sleeve top and a blue bottom.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's the perfect dress for your baby shower tomorrow." Lizzie said excitingly.

"How am I suppose to get my big ass in this?" I asked.

"Noami, its not that small. Trust me, we know." Mrs. Lizzie stated.

"Just not in the mood for this baby shower." I said putting the dress in the box.

"Awe sweetie, I know that you're in a funk." Mrs. Linda said hugging me.

"Yeah, I mean you haven't been out this house in about two weeks. You need this day, for you and your kids." Lizzie said rubbing my hair.

"I just need Tray, right now."

"I was a jerk to him. Not being there like he was for me when Destiny died." I said going to sit on the couch.

"Well, he lied to you about him being in the game, didn't talk to you or Tyrone an entire week, finger fcked another girl in the club and took off his wedding ring." Lizzie said sitting next to me.

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