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Noami's POV

My alarm went off for me to get up for workouts with Crystal. I rolled over and turned it off and got up. I took my shower and put on my clothes and went downstairs. As I was making my shake, I was finishing some of my work and studying a little bit. Doing all that at once, I didn't even hear the doorbell ring.

"Noami!" Tray yelled.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"Do you not hear the door?" he asked.

"Someone is at the door?" I asked

Soon as I said that another knock came to the door.

"I knew that." I said laughing.

Tray went and opened the door and Crystal came in.

"You're already up?" she said surprised.

"Yes, I is. Aren't you glad?" I asked packing up my stuff and fixing my shake.

"Yes, I'm happy I don't have to wake your fat axs up."

I dropped my mouth when she called me fat.

"I literally meant your axs is fat. Not, you." she said clearing it up.

"Hey now, don't look at her axs. That's all mines." Tray said coming up behind me.

"Admit it, I get under your skin huh?" she asked.

"No, you really don't." Crystal said.

"Haha, y'all are a mess. Well, bye baby, I love you. And I'll be home before Tyrone gets up." I said heading towards the door.

"Alright, I love you too." he said giving me a kiss.

We left out and went to the gym.

"Can, you please put the books up? And turn off my lights, you're buying a light bulb if it goes out." she said turning it off.

"Hey, I needed that." I stated.

"Noami, you're always doing work. Chill....

"Do not tell me to chill out." I stated.

"Well re......

"Or relaxed."

"Well b*tch what you want me to say?" she asked.

We both just started laughing. We pulled up to the gym and got out.

*two hours later*

"I'm home." I said walking through the door.

"Hey babe." Tray said form the kitchen.

"Little man isn't up yet, right?" I asked.

"No, you're right on time though."

"Yay! Told you I can do this." I said walking upstairs.

"I guess."

I went upstairs and in the room with my baby. I turned on the light and jumped on his bed.

"Wake up mommy's baby." I said shaking him awake.

"Mommy, I'm awake." he said laughing.

"Good morning my munchkin." I said hugging him.

"Morning mommy."

"Ready for school?" I asked.

"No, can I stay home with daddy?" hr asked.

"Um, no. But daddy can pick you up from school and y'all can go and get ice cream." I stated.

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