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Noami's POV

A knock came on the door, early as hell and I started rolling over. Then the doorbell started to ring. Tray got up before whoever it was woke up Tyrone. Next thing you know, the door opened, turned on the lights, and someone jumped on me.

"Get yo axs up, I know you've gained weight since you've been laid off." Crystal said laughing.

"I wasn't laid off, I was mistakingly fired." I said covering my face.

"Well, that. So, come on and get ready gotta be at the gym in twenty and I know you get dressed slow." she said pulling me up.

"Ugh, but I have class."

"For eight today, did you forget I know you're schedule? Know come on Noami P. I'll be downstairs getting your breakfast ready." she said going downstairs.

I got up and went to the bathroom and did my hygiene things. When I went to the closet, Tray was laying in the bed.

"Exercise for me too." he said.

"Haha, I will. Finna exercise for this whole family. Especially, the way her and the trainer finna work me out." I said putting on my gym clothes.


I went over and have him a kiss goodbye and went downstairs where Crystal were.

"Breakfast." she said handing me a smoothie.

"What kind is it?" I asked.

"Strawberry of course." she said.

"Now let's go."

We left out the house and headed to the gym. Today was pretty exhausting because I've been drinking nonstop since the wedding. Plus, I didn't exercise since I was fired.

"Okay, 60 more." the trainer said pertaining to me doing squats.

"I mean my axs is already fat. Does it need to be fatter?" I asked.

"Haha, well you're right but its all apart of you're training." he said.

Once we were breaking, I saw a face that I just didn't want to see.

"Hello there, Ms. Crystal Westbrooks and Noami P." Ja'Von said coming up to us.

"Ja'Von, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to exercise. But now that I see you, makes it even better." he said smiling.

"Bruh, who the fck are you? And why are you following me? Do you not know what a restraining order is?" I questioned.

"Hey hey, you know what, we're just going to leave." Crystal said.

"But we're not finished?" the trainer said.

"No, we're finished. And by the way Ja'Von, I'm married to Tray. And if you dont leave me alone, you'll be in another place besides jail." I said walking out.

I left out the building and Crystal followed behind me. We got in the car and started the way to my house.

"Who was that?" Crystal asked.

"My motherfcken ex. He's the one who kidnapped my child, I should've killed him." I said

"You have a restraining order on him and the gym as cameras, you can call the cops on him." she said.

"Nah, don't want to put no one in jail." I said.

"Then why put a restraining order on him?"

"Tray told me to." I said

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