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Noami's POV

Yesterday, I gave birth to a 8 lbs. boy and a 4½ lbs. girl. Who knew that I would be the one to have twins in the family? It scares me sometimes that now when one baby cries, so does the other one.

I'm scared but I'm also happy.

Tray went home and unpacked the truck from yesterday. Everything happened so fast that I don't even remember the argument in the car. I was feeding Trinity when someone knocked and came in.

"How is everything?" the nurse asked

"Um, everything is good." I stated.

Once I said that Trinity spit up. Which this isn't the first time.

"Oh, she made a big mess." she said helping me clean up.

"This isn't the first time she's done it. Like every time I fed her she spits up." I stated.

"Well, I well suggest a little less milk than you give her or maybe just breastfeeding."

"I heard that hurts." I said pouting.

"I can tell you that it doesn't hurt like giving birth, but it is more healthier."

"If I do it to one that means I'll have to do it to both."

"How about the pump? I mean it takes milk so that you can store it in the bottle."

While she was talking Tray came in. He came right in and picked up Tyson, then kissed me. Then she left out.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. She just keeps spitting up." I said.

"What that means?"

"Haha, it doesn't mean nothing. She was suggesting that I fed her breast milk." I stated.

"So, you're going to breastfeed?" he asking smirking.

"Why do you want me to breastfeed so bad?"

"Because it's better for them. Besides, you have no choice."

"I have a choice. I could feed her less than what I'm giving her." I stated.

"How about you give her here." he stated.

"You have Tyson."

"So, give her to me." he said coming over taking her out my hands.

He sat on the couch with both of them in his arms. I laid back and started to drift off to sleep until the door opened.

"Where's the little guy?" Jai said coming in with a stuffed football and Jacques, of course.

He looked over and saw the babies in Tray's arms.

"Who's baby is that?" Jacques asked.

"Haha, its our baby. We had twins." I stated.

"Shut the fck up?" Jai said.

"Yep. My little princess snuck up of us. Didn't even know she was coming." Tray said.

"Damn, Tray. Twins and one of them is a girl. How you feel about that?" Jai asked sitting next to them.

"Um, she'll always be innocent."

"Or like me." I stated.

He looked at with a straight face, no movement or nothing. But I thought it was funny.

"What?" I questioned.

"Noami, where was our first time?" he asked.

"Its not my fault. Boys are slick ricks."

"Exactly, she's going to be gay." he said making everybody laugh.

"No, she's not."

Jai took Tyson into his arms and looked back at Tray.

"Man, what you doing to these kids. Making them come out like your ugly ass. They should be looking like Noami." he stated.

"Haha, they got my skin color."

"And that's it." Jacques said taking Trinity.

"Don't drop my daughter. And I will kill yo ass. Right here in the hospital." Tray said.

I started laughing as he got up and came and laid in the hospital bed with me. He placed his head on my chest, where his head was under my neck. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"The Lucas family has grew." Jai said.

"We're not having anymore." I stated.

"I don't believe that. I think that Tray is going to want another when their about three maybe two, maybe four." Jacques said.

"Trayvon, you want more kids?" I asked smacking his head.

"Nah, not now." he said.

"Ever." I said smacking his head again.

"Alright, alright."

The guys had the babies until they fell asleep. Then they left. I was asleep and when I turned, I heard Tray talking to someone. When I opened my eyes it was Lizzie.

"Well, hello sleeping beauty." she said.


"How's it been for the last 24 hrs?" she asked.

"I'm ready to go home and see my baby." I stated as I stretched.

"Well, your wish is my command." she said going the door.

When she opened the door in came Tyrone, my mom, and Nathan. I started cry like a baby when he came and hugged me.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" he asked.

"Because I missed you so much." I stated.

"Well, I miss you too." he said.

He hugged me back and then ran over to Tray. As my mom picked up Tyson and Nathan picked up Trinity.

"I still can't believe that you had twins and didn't know. I mean how is that possible?" Nathan questioned.

"Um, the doctor says its possible. The baby can hide behind the other one until labor. That's why Tyson is chubby and Trinity looks has if she's a premature baby." I explained.

"Well, they're both extremely beautiful." my mom said.

"They look more like Tray to me." Nathan said.

"Haha, why is everyone saying that?" I questioned laughing.

"Because its true." Lizzie said sitting on the bed with me.

"Mommy, who do I look like?" Tyrone asked as he sat in Tray's lap.

"You look like mommy and daddy." I stated.

Tyrone did look more like the both of us. But as for the twins they looked like Tray instead of me. I guess the myth is true about if you hate someone doing your pregnancy they come out looking like the person.

And during my pregnancy, Tray and I was at it so many times that it seemed as if we wasn't even married. I don't know what's going to happen to us when we leave out of the hospital. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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