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*week later*

Trayvon's POV

It's been a week since Noami and Tyrone been home, a week since we buried my homeboy, a week since I even talked to Noami and Tyrone, and a week since I even really slept.

We found Luther's punk ass brother but now Roscoe is on the move. Running like the little punk he is. He knew that we'll find out and now he know I'm gunning for his ass.

"What's up." Jai said coming in dapping me off.

"Nothing much. Ready to go out?" I asked him.

"Jacques and I thought about it and.....

"Thought about what?" I questioned.

"Man Tray, you been out everyday this week. You're either getting drunk. getting high, or both. And every time we're in the club, its the same thing with you."

"Haha, and what is that?' I asked laughing.

"You get bottle after bottle after bottle. Not only that but you drink them all by your damn self. Then you on the floor dancing with b*tches like you're not fcken married."

"I know I'm married. I got a fcken big ass house but no wife in there. What's wrong with me having fun?" I asked.

"Nothing but when you got a pregnant wife, crying her eyes out to see you, it's a problem." he stated.

"How you know she crying bro?" I asked curious.

"Jacques and I went by her mom's house." he said.

"Oh really?" I asked getting up.

"Come on now Tray. You've gotten out of hand."

"I ain't got out of sh*t! I'm a grown ass man and I don't need y'all motherfckers in my business!" I yelled.

"We just trying to help." Jacques said coming in.

"I don't need yo fcken help. Get that sh*t through your head. Now is y'all ready to go or is y'all ready to leave?" I asked.

"Yeah man, come on."

"Oh, and y'all fckers not allowed to be around my motherfcken baby momma nor my fcken son, til I say fcken so. And if I catch you, I will kill y'all asses." I said leaving out.

I left out the trap and went to the house to get dressed for tonight. Jai is right, we have been out every night but I'm a grown ass man and ain't no fcken body gone tell me if and when I need to stop.

I went in the house and jumped into the shower. When I got out, I walked in the closet and looked at Noami's clothes for a minute. I do miss her but I just think it's better if we have a little time apart. I grabbed clothes and then started getting dressed.

I threw on a long gray shirt with a plaid, button down shirt and a pair of jeans with Tim's. After I got fresh, I grabbed my sh*t and then got in my car heading to 'Smoked'.

"What's up man. I thought you weren't coming." Elijah said dapping me off.

"Man, you know I'm out here." I said.

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