Chapter 2

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They sit out by the pool, stretched out on sun loungers. Nadine’s mixed them a couple of rum and cokes, hoping it’ll ease the tension but the alcohol hasn’t kicked in yet.

She doesn’t want to pry, thinking that Cheryl will explain in her own time, so she tries to stick to safer topics of conversation.

“How’s the album going?” Nadine asks, ending a silence that’s dragged on for at least 5 minutes now.

“Good,” Cheryl replies. “I’ve just got a couple more songs to record.”

“In London or...?”

“No, here.”

The silence returns with a vengeance until Nadine can stand it no longer. She sits up, swinging her legs around to sit on the edge of the lounger. She looks at Cheryl for a long moment, noticing how thin she is. Cheryl’s always been skinny but now you can actually count her ribs.

“So what are your plans? Where are you staying?”

Cheryl gives a short, humourless laugh. “To be honest, babe, I hadn’t even thought that far ahead. I just jumped on the first available flight.”

“You can stay here.”

Cheryl shakes her head. “I don’t wanna get under your feet, mopin’ around. I’ll book myself into a hotel.”

“Don’t be daft. It’s no bother. I’d like you to stay.”


“Good. That’s settled then.”

Sometimes Nadine’s more assertive than people give her credit for.  She doesn’t miss the tiny smile that curves Cheryl’s lips but pretends to ignore it.


That night, despite Cheryl’s protests, Nadine drags her out to dinner at a quiet little Italian restaurant where no one bothers them. In LA, Nadine’s every more isn’t followed by the paparazzi and the only people who recognise her are usually British tourists. It’s a novelty that hasn’t quite worn off. The media attention is so pervasive in the UK that she finds increasingly that she needs this sanctuary from it.

It’s something that’s clearly becoming appealing to Cheryl too as she looks around the restaurant, the other diners completely oblivious to the fact that two members of Girls Aloud – one the reigning FHM sexiest woman in the world, the other number 57 on the same list - are in their midst. “I could get used to this,” Cheryl says, giving the first genuine smile Nadine’s seen all day.

“What? Havin’ dinner with me?” Nadine says, feigning ignorance.

“Well, the company’s not bad. I’ve had better though.”

“The cheek!” Nadine replies, though she can’t keep up the pretence of being offended as a smile steals over her face.

The Geordie glances down at the tablecloth as she fiddles with her cutlery. “Thanks for this. Not lettin’ us wallow in self-pity.”

Nadine reaches across the table, taking Cheryl’s hand, but before she can say anything the waiter appears beside them. He’s young, good-looking, his hair and uniform so impeccable that Nadine can only conclude that he must be gay. It’s something she’s always been able to do, spot gay people, as if it’s some innate ability she has...

“Good evening ladies,” he says, grinning, as his gaze drops pointedly to their joined hands. “Are you ready to order?”

Nadine’s eyes go from his smiling face to her hand in Cheryl’s and back again. “Um...”

“Can we have a few more minutes please?” Cheryl asks.

“Of course.” The waiter winks at Nadine and her mouth drops open slightly.

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