Chapter 18

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In the privacy of the kitchen Nadine pulls Cheryl into her arms, hugging her close.

“Sorry about that,” Nadine says, gratified when the other woman’s arms slip around her waist. “My big sister doesn’t always engage her brain before she opens her mouth.”

“It’s fine. She wasn't to know,” Cheryl sighs, tightening her grip. “I suppose I should get used to havin’ to tell people me marriage is over anyway.”

They’re content to cuddle for a couple of minutes, just enjoying the feeling of being held, until Nadine pulls back slightly to meet Cheryl’s gaze.

“What? Have I got somethin’ on me face?” Geordie asks after a few seconds of Nadine staring at her.

Nadine smiles and shakes her head. “No, you’re gorgeous. That’s all. I was lookin’ at you out there and the whole time I just wanted to be kissin’ you.”

A slow smile spreads over Cheryl’s face, an unmistakeable twinkle in her eye. Even after the whirlwind of the past few days, that expression still makes Nadine giddy and weak in the knees. “I think you must’ve inherited some of that Irish charm from your dad. And the long legs.”

Nadine makes a face. “Havin’ seen my dad in a pair of shorts, I’d like to think my legs are nicer.”

“Your legs are fuckin’ amazin’, babe. I want them wrapped around us all day and night.”

Cheryl,” Nadine admonishes gently, her cheeks turning pink. Her parents’ kitchen is probably not the best place to be having this kind of conversation.

“What?” the Geordie says, grinning from ear to ear. Reluctantly she withdraws from the hug. “Well, I suppose we should go back out before they send a search party.”

Nadine catches the other woman by the wrist and tugs her close again, watches as Cheryl’s eyes darken, smile faltering slightly as her breath hitches. The Geordie glances over her shoulder towards the open doorway. “What about...?”

She doesn’t get to finish that question because Nadine’s kissing her, drawing Cheryl’s lower lip between her own and biting down gently before deepening the kiss.

It’s just a taste of what’s to come later but it leaves them both flustered when they finally separate.


If anyone noticed they’d been gone an inordinately long time, no one mentions it as they take their seats again.

The kids are back now, their squeals and shrieks filling the air as they chase each other – and Rachael - around the huge garden with water pistols. Noel’s collapsed into one of the chairs the girls vacated, the effort of herding three youngsters to the beach and back having clearly taken its toll.

He moves to get up when he sees Nadine and Cheryl approach.

“No, you’re alright,” Nadine says, touching his shoulder briefly as Cheryl slips into the empty seat beside him. Instead Nadine perches on the arm of the Geordie’s chair.

“Did you have fun at the beach then?” Cheryl asks him.

“Oh, aye, it was grand.” He’s not star struck at all by Cheryl, whereas a lot of guys would be. It’s one of the things Nadine loves about her brother-in-law, how he takes everything in his stride. “How long are you vistin’ for, Cheryl?”

“I had to cut me holiday short unfortunately. I fly back tomorrow mornin’.” Here Cheryl hazards a glance at Nadine and the exchange doesn’t go unnoticed by Nadine’s mother.

Charmaine gets up. “I’m just goin’ to check on the wee one. Back in a bit.”

Just as Charmaine disappears indoors a sudden burst of water arcs across the table and hits Cheryl squarely in the face. The adults all turn to look at Courtney standing not six feet away, giggling openly, super soaker in hand.

“Why, you little...” A bedraggled Cheryl jumps up and takes off after the girl, though it’s obvious she’s only play-acting, much to the delight of the kids.

Nadine watches the unlikely scene for a few minutes, shaking her head in amusement. “She’s off her head,” she comments as the tables turn and the kids split their targets, chasing the Geordie and Rachael in tandem.

Sitting next to Nadine, her mum leans in close. “How are things?”

It’s a bit of a loaded question. “Good,” Nadine responds then gives a one-shouldered shrug. “Perfect, except for the fact she’s leavin’ tomorrow.”

“She’ll be back before you know it, love.”

“I know. But I’ll miss her, mum.”

They share a look and her mum puts a consoling hand on Nadine’s forearm.


There’s probably never going to be an opportune moment to say it so Nadine waits until the adults are all sitting comfortably back at the table.

“Guys, while you’re all here, there’s somethin’ I need to tell you.”

Everyone turns to look at her and she notices that Cheryl’s gone a bit pale. So Nadine reaches out, taking Cheryl’s hand. If she thought the Geordie looked scared before, it’s nothing compared to this.

Her family – with the exception of her mum - look a bit alarmed, as if they’re expecting some dreadful announcement.

Nadine swallows, her throat dry. It reminds her of those moments backstage before performing when she’s convinced her voice is going to desert her but when she speaks, the words come surprisingly clear and strong. “Me and Cheryl - we're together.” There are looks of confusion all round, so Nadine clarifies. “Romantically.”

Everyone apart from her mum and Noel (who isn’t fazed by anything) looks astonished. Her dad, in particular, looks completely flummoxed.

There’s a long, excruciating silence then Rachael laughs, “God, I thought you were gonna say you were pregnant!”

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