Chapter 23

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Faced with the prospect of a evening of moping and introspection she opts instead to call up the rest of the girls to suggest a night out. As expected Kimberley makes her excuses but Nicola and Sarah enthusiastically agree.

They meet at Nobu for dinner, Sarah predictably the last to arrive.

Everyone here is too self-consciously cool to openly gawp at them but a hush does descend as Sarah strides confidently through the restaurant to join Nadine and Nicola at their table.

“So, how’s things?” Nadine asks after the first round of drinks arrive – white wine for the moment but knowing these two it’s inevitable it’ll lead to shots and cocktails further down the line.

The girls fill her in on what they’ve been up to – Sarah on reshooting some scenes for St Trinians 2 and her upcoming auditions, and Nic on the latest developments with her make-up line – and she feels this surge of pride looking at them, at how they’re going off doing their own thing and making a success of it.

After dinner they hit a few bars and by the time they reach Bungalow 8 in Convent Garden, the alcohol is in full flow. As they sit around a table in the VIP area it isn’t long before the conversation turns to Cheryl.

“She said you lot met up when I spoke to her yesterday,” Nicola says, slurring slightly as she leans closer to be heard.

No such problem for Sarah; the woman has a voice like a foghorn. “Did you two paint the town red then?”

“I showed her the sights, took her to the beach. That sort of thing,” Nadine responds with a shrug, feeling her cheeks grow hot. Thankfully the dim lighting hides her blush. “Nothin’ too outrageous.”

“So you didn’t go to any clubs or anything?” Sarah makes a face. “Bor-ring.”

“There’s more to life than gettin’ paralytic, you know.”

Sarah and Nicola exchange an amused look. “You’re old before your time, Nadz,” Sarah counters.

“No, I’d just rather not flash my knickers or see my boobs spillin’ out my dress on the front page of the tabloids.”

“Well,” Nicola says, lifting her glass in Nadine’s direction. “LA life suits you. You’ve got this glow about you and I don’t just mean the incredible tan.”

Sarah smirks. “Jason must be treating you well...”

“Actually, I’m not seein’ him anymore,” Nadine responds, clearing her throat.

“What? You two were so cute together!” Nicola says, far more pained by this news than Nadine was at the time.

Nadine shrugs and braces herself as the table-service waitress brings a round of shots over. Picking up a shot glass each, they each knock it back in one gulp before slamming the empty glasses down on the table.

“Ugh,” Nadine says with a shudder as the alcohol burns its way down her throat. “That stuff is lethal.”

“And it’s just the beginning,” Sarah laughs.

Nadine puts up her hands in surrender. “No, no more for me.”

“God, you’re such a lightweight,” Nicola tuts.

“So have you got your eye on some other bloke then?” Sarah asks, eyeing Nadine speculatively.

Her first instinct is to deny it, change the subject but Nicola catches her eye and must see something that gives Nadine away. “Oh my God, you have!” the redhead crows. “Who is it? Do we know him?”

Oh, shite.

“I don’t want to jinx things. It’s early days,” Nadine responds, in the futile hope that they’ll drop the subject.

At that Sarah flings an arm around Nadine and crushes her in a one-armed hug. “That’s my girl. Plenty more fish in the sea.”

“So what does he do? Does he live in LA?” Nicola persists.

Carefully, Nadine avoids Nicola’s inquisitive stare. “No, they live in the UK. And they’re in the industry too.”

Nobody seems to pick up on Nadine’s deliberately ambiguous use of pronouns, thank God.

“Well, this calls for a celebratory drink,” Sarah announces, raising her hand to get the attention of a waitress.

Nadine rolls her eyes. “Like you need an excuse.”


In the last couple of hours Nadine had sensibly switched to soft drinks so she’s managed to remain relatively sober, unlike her two friends. By the time they stagger out the bar at 11pm, both Sarah and Nicola are well on the way to being completely trashed, leaving it up to Nadine to try and flag down a cab for them.

“I can’t believe you’re not comin’ clubbin’ with us,” Nic whines once Nadine eventually deposits them into an idling hackney cab.

“Sorry, I’m just knackered. Jetlag, you know?” Nadine replies.

“We’ll do this again soon though, yeah?” Sarah asks, before grabbing Nadine in a bear hug and almost toppling her into the cab. “We miss ya, Nadz.”

Nadine just smiles, disentangling herself from the inebriated blonde, before waving them off from the kerb.

Once the cab’s out of sight, she retrieves her mobile from her handbag and looks at the display. Cheryl should be finished up at the studios by now, so Nadine decides to take a chance and give her a call.

“Hey babe,” Cheryl answers, sounding shattered.

“Hi, how are you?” Despite feeling exhausted herself, Nadine can’t keep a dopey smile off her face. Just hearing the Geordie’s voice has that effect on her.

Cheryl sighs softly. “I wish I could just crawl into your arms and sleep forever.”

That's all the invitation Nadine needs really. “Come over to mine.”

“I can’t. I’ve got a 6am start.”

“Then I’ll come over to your hotel. Where are you stayin’?”


“Please, I’ve come all this way to see you,” Nadine interrupts, and she’s painfully aware of the note of desperation in her voice. It must be the alcohol that’s loosened her tongue, made her lose her cool. “I can’t wait until fuckin’ Sunday.”

In the silence that follows Nadine curses herself, realising there’s no way to backtrack gracefully from this.

“I’m at the Mayfair,” Cheryl says, a few seconds later.

Relief courses through Nadine. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

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