Chapter 8

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When Nadine awakens, she’s momentarily disorientated.

She lifts a hand to shield her eyes from the rude bolt of sunlight that pierces the gap in the curtains and it’s then that she becomes sharply aware of the position she’s in: flat on her back with an arm – Cheryl’s arm – flung possessively over her stomach and a thigh – again, Cheryl’s – draped across her own.

At some point during the night the covers had been kicked off and now they’re tangled around their feet, looking  incriminatingly rumpled.

She is, Nadine realises, completely stuck. Her own arm is trapped under Cheryl and she hasn’t a hope in hell of dislodging the brunette, not without making the whole situation infinitely more awkward.

She hazards a glance at Cheryl, allowing herself a quiet moment to enjoy the look of innocence on Cheryl’s beautiful face. Really, watching her sleep? Get a grip on yourself, you idiot. She gives herself a mental shake and forces her gaze away.

A soft noise and the subtle stretch of limbs alerts her to the fact that the other occupant of the bed is stirring so, rather than panic, Nadine quickly shuts her eyes and pretends to be fast asleep.

She feels the mattress shift slightly, perhaps Cheryl pushing up onto one elbow, and tries to remain absolutely still. It’s especially hard to swallow the disappointment she feels when Cheryl’s thigh moves off her but at least she can breathe a little easier now.

Cheryl yawns, unnervingly close to Nadine’s ear, and she isn’t sure she entirely manages to conceal the shiver that passes through her.

Interminable minutes pass until Nadine realises that Cheryl must be watching her. That thought makes Nadine’s eyes spring open and, sure enough, the first thing she sees is a pair of warm brown eyes looking down at her.

“Mornin’ sleepyhead,” Cheryl says, a soft smile on her face, and Nadine wonders how it’s possible for someone to look this stunning this early in the day, even with a mild case of bed hair.

Nadine has to force her mouth to work because it’s as if she’s forgotten how to string a sentence together.  “Mornin’,” she mumbles, conscious of the warmth of the other woman’s body seeping into her side, of her arm still wedged beneath Cheryl, grazing the underside of the Geordie’s breasts. “Have you been awake long? You should’ve nudged me.”

“Nah, not really. Anyway, I didn’t have the heart. You looked too cute,” Cheryl responds, her smile widening until those damn dimples make an appearance.

Nadine makes a show of rolling her eyes but, secretly, she couldn’t be more pleased.

“I suppose we should get up and movin’ then,” Cheryl says after a minute, dark gaze dropping away, and Nadine convinces herself that she imagined the note of reluctance in the Geordie’s voice.


After breakfast, they take a stroll down to the beach, walking arm-in-arm.

Nadine tells herself not to read anything into it but even the most casual touches take on new meaning now she’s come to the realisation that she fancies the pants off her friend. The worst part is that Cheryl doesn’t even know, that she’s completely oblivious to the effect she’s having on Nadine.

It’s almost impossible to hide the jolt that goes through her when Cheryl slings an arm around her waist, toying with the sarong that Nadine’s got wrapped around her hips. It makes her so nervous that she blurts out “first one in gets lead vocals on the next single,” before making a mad dash for the shore.

Not to be outdone, Cheryl chases after and overtakes, only to turn at the last minute and tackle Nadine into the sand.

They land in an unceremonious heap, Nadine with a mouthful of sand and Cheryl crouching over her, barely able to breathe because she’s laughing so hard. “Jesus!” Nadine splutters, dragging the back of her hand across her face as she rolls onto her back. “That was uncalled for, you wee sh-“

She stops herself short because Cheryl’s grinning face is dangerously close to her own. It wouldn’t take much, just a slight tilt of her head, a tiny lift of Nadine’s chin, and they’d be-

Abruptly, Nadine rolls out from underneath the brunette and she sees Cheryl’s smile slip, a small crease forming on her forehead. “I’m gonna go for a swim. See you in a bit.”

Before Cheryl can question her, Nadine charges off.

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