Chapter 29

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It hadn’t been Nadine’s intention to spend the entire day in bed cuddling, kissing and more but there are far worse ways to spend a Sunday she supposes.

By the time they roll out from under the covers at tea time – both sporting the most comical bed hair Nadine’s ever seen – every muscle in Nadine’s body is pleasantly aching.

While Cheryl showers Nadine throws on a dressing gown to rustle up a quick pasta dinner.

It’s as she’s stirring the pot and sprinkling a few herbs that she feels Cheryl sneak up on her.  “Smells good,” the Geordie says, resting her chin on Nadine’s shoulder as her arms encircle Nadine’s waist.

“It’ll be ready in a few minutes,” Nadine replies, trying to ignore the way Cheryl’s fingers are purposefully rubbing circles into her stomach through the thin silk fabric. After enduring a few seconds of this, Nadine turns in the circle of the other woman’s arms. “What are you up to?”

The Geordie adopts an expression of mock innocence, completely at odds with the fact that her hands have now shifted to Nadine’s backside and are slowly hiking up the dressing gown.

“But - dinner,” Nadine says in half-hearted protest, glancing at the pot that’s started to boil over, but there’s an unmistakeable look of intent in Cheryl’s eyes that’s impossible to resist.

Cheryl presses her back against the counter. “I don’t care I just want you.” She at least has the presence of mind to reach over to turn off the heat and move the pot off the hob.

Nimble fingers make short work of the tie at the front of Nadine’s robe and Cheryl flows to her knees in front of Nadine.

For her part Nadine has a white knuckle grip on the edge of the counter. “Jesus, you’re insatiable.”

Even though she knows it’s coming, the press of Cheryl’s mouth against her is still a shock and her knees buckle slightly on contact. All she can do is tip her head back and gasp at the ceiling.


They’ve been kissing for minutes on end in the hallway, neither one of them wanting to relinquish contact because then they’d have to acknowledge the fact that their time together is going to come to an end.  Nadine had called a cab fifteen minutes ago and she knows it’ll be here any minute.

Reluctantly, she’s the one to break off the kiss, stepping back to put a small measure of distance between them.  She needs to, otherwise she won’t be able to let Cheryl walk out the door. “When can I see you next?”

“I said I’d go round to Kimba’s for dinner tomorrow but, honestly, babe, I’d rather be with you,” Cheryl says, sounding conflicted.

They share a look of understanding.

“You should see her,” Nadine says, forcing any trace of disappointment from her voice.

“I’m free on Tuesday. We could do somethin’ then?”

They both know that ‘something’ is pretty much a codeword for rampant sex so Nadine smiles and nods her agreement.

The blare of the taxi’s horn sounds then and Cheryl snatches a brief final kiss before leaving.

Standing alone in the hallway Nadine leans back against the wall. The scent of Cheryl’s perfume lingers here and she tries to breathe it in as much as she can, as if it could sustain her. Everything seems duller, somehow, when Cheryl’s gone; the Geordie always lights up the room with her swearing and her dimples and in her absence the flat feels empty and cold.

When Nadine does eventually move, returning to the bedroom, she finds a text waiting for her.

Can’t wait 2 c u on Tues. Missin u already. C  xx

Smiling, she composes a quick response and presses send before she can change her mind.

Call me 2morro? Sweet dreams. Love u xx

It’s a full five minutes later when another text comes through. Nadine glances at the display, expecting a goodnight message, and her heart stops for a split-second when she reads it.

Love u 2 xx

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