Chapter 24

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They meet in the bar and as soon as they lock eyes there’s a heady sense of expectation in the air.

The elevator ride up to Cheryl’s suite is excruciatingly slow. All Nadine wants to do is grab the other woman and push her up against the mirrored wall but they’re not alone in the lift and all they can do is exchange loaded, furtive looks.

By the time they make it to the hallway outside Cheryl’s door, Nadine can hardly contain the urge to touch so she lets her hand hover at the small of Cheryl’s back as the Geordie fumbles with her key card.

Almost as soon as the door is shut behind them, they’re on each other, kissing hungrily. Nadine can’t really say who initiated it, all she knows is that Cheryl’s tongue is in her mouth and hands are seemingly everywhere at once.

They waste no time in undressing each other, the shedding of each item of clothing punctuated by heated kisses until they fall onto the bed, Nadine pressing the brunette down onto cool sheets.

This moment – being with Cheryl – is all Nadine’s thought about for the past two days and she’d had every intention of their reunion being tender and sweet but, presented with the reality of a naked Cheryl silently begging for her touch, all thoughts of taking it slow go flying out the window.

It’s only a matter of minutes before Cheryl’s arching under her, shuddering her release and smothering a scream against Nadine’s shoulder.

Afterwards she gathers the Geordie in her arms, hugging her close as Cheryl nestles against her shoulder. It doesn’t even matter that Nadine’s skin feels too hot, that she’s still tightly sprung herself, because she feels so completely content.

She lifts one hand to stroke Cheryl’s hair, pleased by the hum this elicits.

“I met Sarah and Nic for dinner and drinks tonight,” she comments idly.

“Mmm,” Cheryl responds, nuzzling her nose into the crook of Nadine’s shoulder.

For a few minutes Nadine just continues running her fingers through the Geordie’s hair then she takes a deep breath. “I think we should tell the girls.”

She braces herself for fireworks but when no response is forthcoming Nadine stills her fingers. “Cheryl?”

It’s then the sound of a soft snore reaches her ears.

She looks down to see Cheryl’s eyes closed, dark lashes fanning out over her cheeks, mouth hanging slightly open.

Well, Nadine thinks, that went brilliantly.


It’s still dark when Nadine wakes.

It takes her a moment to realise where she is, disorientated as she is by unfamiliar shadows. She blinks, shaking off the fog of half-remembered dreams, and reaches across to find the other side of the bed cool and empty.

For a split-second she panics, only for the sound of running water to eventually reach her ears.

Throwing back the covers, she slips out of bed and pads towards the bathroom. The door is unlocked and she enters quietly.

Cheryl’s oblivious to her presence, humming an unidentifiable song under her breath, as she lathers up her skin with soap. Nadine could quite happily stand here all day, watching the water cascade over the other woman, saturating the tattoos that decorate Cheryl’s lower back and bottom.

In the past she couldn’t understand why someone as beautiful as Cheryl would deliberately choose to mark themselves in such a way. Nobody’s physically perfect but Cheryl comes damn close and Nadine used to think that the tattoos detracted from her natural beauty. Small, discreet tattoos were fine but getting one on your arse cheek? Privately she’d thought it was a bit tacky.

That opinion couldn’t be further from her mind now as she watches rivulets of water run over the intricate designs.

Then, without a second thought, she steps into the bath behind Cheryl.

The Geordie turns suddenly at the squeak of bare feet on the tub.

“Fuckin’ hell, Nadine!” she exclaims, clutching a hand over her heart. “You scared the life out of me.”

Nadine doesn’t say a word, just closes the small gap between their bodies and steps under the jet of water. She runs fingers through Cheryl’s wet hair, pushing it back slick against her scalp before kissing her again and again as her hands travel down Cheryl’s neck, over shoulders and breasts, to finally land on her hips.

Nadine presses forward until the Geordie’s back meets the tiled wall and the sensation of heated skin meeting cool tiles causes Cheryl to gasp into the kiss, warm breath passing between them.

With one hand braced against the wall, Nadine uses her knee to push tanned thighs apart, her other hand tracing a path between Cheryl’s full breasts down to her centre, letting her fingers tangle in neat curls. Nadine doesn’t even have to touch her to know that Cheryl’s ready and willing.

Nadine’s hand dips lower, sliding into wet heat and she feels rather than hears the breath the Geordie sucks in. It’s all the impetus Nadine needs to deepen the kiss, allowing her tongue to slip inside at the same time as two fingers do.

Around them the steam rises, engulfing them in humidity and Nadine sets a maddeningly slow rhythm that soon has Cheryl impatient for more, judging by the insistent rocking of her hips.

Nadine breaks the kiss and a protest dies on the Geordie’s lips only to be replaced by a throaty moan when Nadine’s mouth fastens around a taut nipple, sucking the puckered flesh into her mouth and flicking it with her tongue.

She can hear Cheryl panting, voice low and strained as she curses and swears under her breath. With each tug of her lips, Cheryl’s hips jump.

Relenting to the other woman’s silent demands, Nadine quickens the pace as she covers Cheryl’s chest with kisses before dragging her mouth up the length of Cheryl’s throat, scraping her teeth lightly over sensitive flesh.

Their mouths meet again in a jarring kiss and Nadine can feel Cheryl’s muscles tightening, clamping around her, letting her know that the Geordie’s close.  So she drags her thumb over and around Cheryl’s clit, swiping at the hardened nub in a relentless circular motion until Cheryl tenses suddenly and one long high-pitched gasp escapes her lips.

Nadine keeps her hand there, wanting to prolong this intimate contact for as long as possible and lets her forehead rest against Cheryl’s. Far sooner than she’d like, Cheryl draws her hand away and Nadine immediately misses the contact.

It’s a long time before Cheryl’s able to speak and when she does her eyes catch and hold Nadine’s gaze.

“Not that I’m complainin’ but that was a bit unexpected," she says, barely audible over the noise of water drumming against the shower screen, the tiles and Nadine's back.

Nadine can’t really explain what compelled her to do it, she just had to have Cheryl there and then.

At this proximity it feels like those dark eyes can see straight through her and Nadine has to force herself not to look away. “When I woke up and you weren’t there... I thought you’d left.”

There she goes, giving herself away. She’s sure Cheryl must see now, the depth of her feelings, because the Geordie’s expression shifts slightly.

But Cheryl doesn’t say anything, just leans in and kisses her softly, wrapping her arms around Nadine’s waist.

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