Chapter 17

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It takes them just under an hour to drive down to Huntington Beach to the Coyle family home.

Cheryl’s been quiet and fidgety during the whole journey and by the time they pull up at the gated driveway the anxiety is clear on her face. Nadine hasn’t seen Cheryl this terrified for years and if she wasn’t so nervous herself, she’d probably find the whole situation laughable.

“You’ve met my parents plenty times before,” Nadine says, hoping to assuage the Geordie’s fears and, in turn, her own. The girls and their respective families have mingled at countless events over the years and everyone is on friendly terms so it really shouldn’t be a big deal. 

“Yeah, but I wasn’t shaggin’ one of their daughters then!”

Nadine bites her lip. “Well... probably best not to mention that part.”

Cheryl just gives her a look.

Taking a deep breath Nadine reaches for the gate intercom button. After a moment there’s a crackly, “Hello?” Her dad.

“Hiya, dad. It’s me,” she says, forcing a happy note into her voice.

The gate opens slowly and she exchanges a quick glance with Cheryl before driving through.

They’re met at the top of the driveway by the welcoming party – mum, dad, Rachael and Charmaine, the latter holding the latest addition to the Coyle brood. There’s hugs all round for Nadine then they turn towards Cheryl.

“Mr and Mrs Coyle, it’s a pleasure to meet you again,” the brunette says with a warm smile, offering her hand, which they each shake in turn. It’s all oddly polite and formal, enough so that Rachael gives Nadine a questioning look.

Cheryl clocks the baby then, immediately going over to coo over him. “Who’s this gorgeous little fella then? Aren’t you a handsome boy?”

The baby reaches out a chubby little hand, catching Cheryl’s pinkie and the smile that lights up the Geordie’s face is breath-taking. For a moment Nadine is utterly charmed by the sight until she remembers that Cheryl and Ashley had been planning to start a family soon and her heart twists.

“He’s beautiful,” Cheryl says, still completely captivated by the little red-faced bundle. Nadine privately thinks he looks a bit like Phil Mitchell off Eastenders but she daren’t voice that opinion. Regardless, he’s making happy gurgling noises, smiling toothlessly up at the Geordie.

It takes quite a bit of effort for Nadine to drag her gaze away from Cheryl and the baby. “Where are the rest of the kids?”

“Noel’s taken them down to the beach. They’ll be back soon,” Nadine’s mum replies. “So, have you eaten yet?”


“Nadine, what have I told you about skippin’ meals? Right, go sit yourselves down in the garden. Your dad’s goin’ to fire up the barbeque.”

“Yes, mum,” Nadine replies in a long-suffering tone and reaches for Cheryl, hooking her arm through the brunette’s and pretending to ignore the way Cheryl stiffens slightly.


“Breast or thigh?”

Cheryl almost chokes on her drink. “Sorry?”

“Breast or thigh?” Nadine’s dad repeats cheerfully, holding out a plate filled with barbecued chicken.

“Ehm, breast, please,” the Geordie responds, purposefully avoiding Nadine’s eyes.

Nadine takes a sip from her mimosa in a bid to cover the smile she can’t quite hide. It’s perhaps a full minute later before she’s sure that she’s able to contain her amusement.

“Thanks, Mr Coyle,” Cheryl says as he places a couple of fillets onto her plate.

“Please, call me Niall. Mr Coyle sounds like you’re talkin’ to my father.”

Cheryl just nods and gives a smile.

A comfortable silence descends as they all sit on the patio chairs, basking in the sunshine and tucking into drumsticks, kebabs and veggie burgers.

“It’s a lovely place youse have got here,” Cheryl remarks after a few minutes. “It’s so peaceful.”

“Thanks,” Nadine’s mum says. “With the beach practically on our doorstep what more could we ask for really?”

“I can definitely see the appeal,” Cheryl smiles. She turns her attention back to Charmaine. “The kids must love it too. How many children do you have now?”

It’s as if Cheryl’s going out of her way to be complimentary and attentive and Nadine wishes she would just relax.

“Two boys, two girls. And I tell you, there’s gonna be no more!” Charmaine says with a laugh.

“That’s what you said before the last one,” Rachael comments, earning her a swat on the arm from Charmaine and an eye roll from her mother.

“What about you Cheryl? Will you be hearin’ the pitter-patter of tiny feet soon?” Charmaine asks.

The Geordie glances down at her plate, trying to hide her discomfort so Nadine decides to intervene on her behalf. “Jesus! Don’t be so nosey, Charmaine.”

“No, it’s okay.” Cheryl gives a little shrug. “Me and Ashley are splittin’ up so, no, no plans for that in the immediate future.”

At least Charmaine has the good grace to look contrite.

After that the conversation grinds to a halt with everyone around the table looking uncomfortable. It becomes more than Nadine can bear so she excuses herself. “I’m goin’ to get a top-up. Anyone want anythin’?”

There’s a chorus of subdued “no thanks”.

“Actually, I’ll come with you and stretch me legs,” Cheryl says, rising from her seat.

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