Chapter 16

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“Fuckin’ hell,” Cheryl repeats for the third time, as she lies spread-eagle on her back, staring up at the ceiling. “Me legs feel like jelly.”

Propped up on her elbow, Nadine watches her. The feeling is slowly starting to return to her hand, after having been trapped between the vice of Cheryl’s thighs just moments ago.

“I’m gonna be walkin’ like John fuckin’ Wayne for the next few days.”

Nadine frowns. “Um... is that a good thing?”

The Geordie looks at her, grinning from ear to ear.  “Trust me, babe. I couldn’t be happier.”

Despite herself Nadine can’t help feeling a teensy bit smug. She’s pretty sure her neighbours must’ve heard the screams that she’d wrenched from Cheryl the second time around... The self-satisfaction must show on her face because Cheryl rolls her eyes. “Don’t you be gettin’ a big head on me.”

Nadine feigns mock offense. “As if. I’m a very modest girl.”

“Oh, really?” Cheryl rises up and plants a knee on either side of Nadine’s hips, forcing her onto her back. “Let’s see how modest you are when I’m sittin’ on your face.”

Nadine’s mouth drops, aghast. “Cheryl!”

The Geordie just shrugs. “What? You knew what you were gettin’ into.”

Actually, Nadine is starting to wonder.


It’s evening by the time they finally manage to drag themselves out of the bedroom. Even so they’re both unwilling to relinquish contact completely as Cheryl hangs out in the kitchen while Nadine prepares dinner. Every so often the Geordie will touch Nadine’s waist, drape an arm over her shoulder or steal a kiss. It means it takes Nadine double the time to actually cook anything but she’s not complaining in the slightest.

By the time they sit down together at the table, a steaming plate of rice and stir-fried vegetables in front of them, they’re both famished (having certainly worked up an appetite).

“So... my mum wants me to go over to the house tomorrow.”

Cheryl freezes, fork halfway to her open mouth. “Oh?”

“She wants me to break the news to the rest of the family,” Nadine continues, watching Cheryl’s expression carefully.

“Isn’t it a bit soon? I mean, we’ve only just...” Cheryl trails off with a shrug.

“Mum won’t allow secrets in the family,” Nadine says ruefully. She picks up her fork and idly pushes the food around her plate for a few seconds. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Cheryl says, her forehead lining. “I’m just worried how they’ll react to us. I don’t want the whole Coyle clan bayin’ for me blood because I’ve corrupted their prodigal daughter.”

Nadine’s lips turn up in a smile. “Now you’re exaggeratin’.”

She reaches across the table to cover Cheryl’s hand with her own. “They’re gonna love you, just as much as I-“ Nadine stops herself and quickly lowers her gaze to her plate, releasing her hold on Cheryl's hand. “They’ll be fine.”

"I'll go with you then," the brunette says decisively, surprising Nadine.

They share a look and Nadine isn't quite sure what to make of Cheryl's unwavering stare, except that it makes her heart beat a little faster.

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