Chapter 4

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That’s how Nadine finds herself with her arm wrapped around Cheryl’s mid-riff, barely an inch between her hips and Cheryl’s backside.

When Cheryl had asked her to stay, this – spooning - wasn’t what Nadine had had in mind. She isn’t entirely sure how it happened. One minute they were lying on opposite sides of the bed, a safe expanse of mattress between them; the next Cheryl said something like “hold us, please” in a very small voice and Nadine was powerless to refuse.

Now Nadine doesn’t even think it’s possible to extricate herself gracefully because Cheryl’s legs are tangled with her own and the Geordie’s gripping her arm like she never wants to let go.

Although soft snores alert her to the fact that Cheryl’s asleep, Nadine’s reluctant to move. She can’t sleep either; her mind’s teaming with sensory input. The warm body against her and the scent of Cheryl’s perfume on the pillow are making it hard for her to think clearly.

Because she’s enjoying this, far more than she should, and she can’t help wondering what it means.

Was that waiter at dinner picking up on something that she wasn’t even aware of? She’d never thought of herself and Cheryl in that way before then and, now, she can’t think of anything else.


The next morning they have breakfast on the veranda.

Cheryl looks more relaxed, her features less pinched with worry as she tucks into a bowl of fruit.

“Did you sleep okay?” Nadine asks, sipping coffee while she has her morning ciggy. She’s trying to stop, for the umpteenth time, but after the day/night she’s just had she thinks it can wait.

“Like a baby, actually,” Cheryl responds, cheeks dimpling as she smiles. “How about you?”

Momentarily distracted by those dimples because, really, they’re that charming, Nadine gives a non-committal “Mmm” and is thankful for the large sunglasses hiding the enormous bags under her eyes. Thanks to her nocturnal preoccupations she didn’t get a wink of sleep – although it was almost worth it just to have the guilty pleasure of watching Cheryl wake up in her arms.

“Sorry about bein’ so clingy last night.”

“It’s alright but you could’ve warned me you were a snorer.”

Cheryl’s mouth drops open in outrage. “I do not snore.”

“You really do.”

Without warning Cheryl lifts a piece of grapefruit out her bowl and flings it at Nadine. It’s a good throw and it lands squarely in Nadine’s cleavage, exposed as it is by open neck of her shirt.

“Cheryl Ann Cole!” Nadine squeals as she tries to retrieve the fruit from between her boobs, eventually scooping it out and tossing it back at the giggling brunette. Somehow Nadine can’t bring herself to be annoyed because at least for a moment Cheryl seems like her usual playful self. “I suppose this’d be a bad time to tell you that you talk in your sleep too?”

This time Cheryl picks up her entire bowl threateningly and Nadine covers her chest with her arms, laughing. “I’m just teasin’ you.”

Lips pursed, Cheryl puts the bowl down then her face turns serious. “Did I really keep you awake?”

“No,” Nadine lies. “I was out like a light after fifteen minutes.”

The smile returns to Cheryl’s face and she brings another piece of fruit to her lips. “Good. Hopefully I’ll be able to manage without a Nadine-shaped hot water bottle tonight.”

Nadine isn’t prepared for the surge of disappointment she feels at Cheryl’s throwaway comment and hopes it doesn’t show on her face. “So, what do you want to do today? Shoppin’ or the beach?”

“Babe, I desperately need some retail therapy.”

“Rodeo Drive it is then.”

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