Garden Lights - Chapter 25

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Is he not home?

For the second time, her knuckles tapped on the door, much harder than before, tapping her foot keenly while grasping her handbag closely.

She moved a stranded hair from her eyes, tucking them back, and blowing a loud puff of air. She looked down to her brown handbag, shuffling inside it and taking out a small black-colored USB. It's been four days since she was asked to make a presentation with another person, and so she eagerly can't wait to show the professor what they made.

The deadline is two more days away, but with Professor Prowess taking a quick inspection of it, she may as well know if there's anything more to be done to it.

By chance, he had given her his address in case she needed something, and as everyone else was busy, she came with free time on her hands. What's more, she brought a book he lent her and she thought she'd give it to him if she was going to his abode.

Though, she never thought he'd live in a condo of a large complex that was specially made for condos and the well-to-do. Even the corridors she walked in were finely furnished with thick blue wall papers and carpeted furs on the floor. Each door she passed was made of the blackest of ebony that held a carved number on it.

She knew the professor was well-off, nevertheless she never knew he was this loaded.

She looked at the door she stood in front of, 629 engraved on it, and knocked for the third time. She was about to leave until she heard noises shuffling behind the door, footsteps slowly emerging near.


The lock on the door could be heard, a creak produced as the door opened.

Vivian's eyes popped open in surprise. The one person she hadn't been expecting had opened the door, in nothing but his pants.

"Oh, it's you. Wait, why are you here?"

"T-the professor gave me the address.... Why the hell are you half-naked!?"

He looked irritated. "Because I was taking a nice shower until I heard a lunatic banging on the door like crazy that I'm pretty sure the entire floor heard it."

She saw drops of water fall from his wet hair. Even drops of water remained on his bare torso. He didn't even get time to dry off. She suddenly felt at fault for her outburst.

"My bad. Is the professor home?"

"No, he's at some conference."

"Then can you give this to him?" She shoved the USB to him, which he took hesitantly. "Tell him Vivian came to give it. And sorry again. I'll be going now."

She turned her heel around, only to be pulled back wards. Victor's hand had made a grab for her arm.

"Don't be silly."

And then he pulled her into his home as she yelped in utter surprise.

Vivian's hand rubbed her other one, nervously sitting on the couch because of Victor's forcefulness. He had excused himself for a while so she took the time to examine her surroundings.

The living room she was in was largely spacious, painted in light blue, but less furnished. Only a couch was placed near a coffee table that had nothing on top of it. It was different from Bobby's living room. It had much furniture. Maybe that was why this living feels big to her.

She looked to her left. A large window that covered the whole wall revealed the city under them, the always busy streets below and the forever shifting clouds above. At night, the city lights would come alive and the scene for the men who live here must be admiring the view. She took a quick glance to her right where the door she in came from (or pulled in, precisely) lay, before shifting to a passage in a corner. She leaned closer and saw a stove, concluding a kitchen to be over there. She pondered over whether there were more passages that had Victor's and the professor's room.

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