Garden Lights - Chapter 13

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The air became colder. The green trees became brow. The Season of Autumn arrived once more and, with it the decaying of leaves as graduation day came.

Happiness and tears spread around. This day finally. For what seemed like an eternity, their three years had passed away like the passing of seasons. They had experienced so much; the good and the bad. They had learned all they can and now it was time for them to leave.

"I can't believe we graduated," Cindy lazily said.

"Yeah, me neither," was the reply from Vivian.

There was immense sadness in the girls' eyes for it meant that they could no lounger be together. They could no longer sees each other as the places they lived in different and far.

So, before their separation, the three of them sat on the benches in the garden, admiring the view of the falling leaves one last time. 

"You're gonna call me, right?"

"Yeah, I will."

All the energy seemed to have sapped out of them.

"Oh, what about you and Ian?" Vivian looked at Charlotte, who the quietest of them all.

"We'll make it work. Besides, we live in the same city, just different areas."

"Lucky." Vivian sighed. "I wish all three of us could live in the same city. We've become close friends after all."

"We won't be apart." Cindy said all of a sudden. "No matter how far we are, our hearts are always together."

".... How corny." Charlotte retorted.

Cindy burst with anger and stood up. "I'm trying to lighten the mood!"

"You're just saying that to act tough so don't cry."

"...." She became quiet. "Well... that's because... I don't really want to be separated from you guys." She fidgeted.

Vivian grins and laughs. "Look how cute she looks!"

"Shut up! Anyway, I'm not that sad since we have each other's contacts and can call anytime."

"We can even video chat so, basically, we can see each other." Charlotte cut in, finally breaking a smile on her face.

"Yeah, so... pick up when I call!" She sat back down, putting one leg over the other.

"Yes, yes."

They laughed until they became quiet again.

"Ah, but I can't believe this day actually came." Charlotte sighed. "Though, I can finally see my parents again."

Vivian turned to her. "I know how you feel. I've missed everyone back at home so much. I'm happy about seeing them."

The wind blew gentler. They stared up at the Sun which was not blazing at them, listening to the birds singing in their melodious tone. With the passage of time, more of nature's trees had appeared in the garden while some of the old trees were gone. Either way, the garden remained as it was, beautiful and always changing.

"The weather sure is nice today."

They stayed together, laughed and cried while recalling the old times, until the time had come for each one of her two friend's to bid her goodbye when it was time for them to go back home. Only Vivian was left, sitting on the bench alone and listening to the birds, while waiting for her father who had told her on the phone that he'd be picking her up.

She waited patiently, knowing she'll never come back here again, and took her time gazing at everything in the garden vividly. She was sure that she was alone as most of the students had already gone home.

She inhaled the fresh air before closing her eyes, feeling a tad bit lonely.

She felt some presence close to her.

"Oh, you're still here?"

She opened her eyes.

"Victor, you didn't leave yet?"

He peered down at her at he stood like a large tower, his bare hands in his coat pockets. It was her first time to see him in a scarf.

"That's what I asked you," he sighed, taking a seat beside her.

"My dad is coming to pick me up soon. He said he'd be a bit late though I don't mind at all." She turned to him with a smile. "So who's coming to pick you up?"

"My grandpa."

"I see."

She didn't ask about his parents since she recalled how sad he looked when she wanted to ask about them. That was a sensitive topic.

"What are you going to do now?"

The question caught her off guard. "I'm going to attend the university near my home. What about you, Victor?"

He slumped. "I'm going to live with my grandpa and think about I'm going to do next."

"You look serious about your future. That's good. Be someone great, okay?" She gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing her like that, he managed a small blissful smile.

"My gramps is gonna come really late so will you keep me company until then?"

"What a weird question! Of course, I will!"

"Then talk about something that will interest me."

"Then how about the sale day we had in our first year?"

"No, that's boring."

"Then how about I tell you about how Cindy thought there was a ghost in her room? It's really funny. Actually what happened was..."

"I have no interest in the stories of your friends."

"Then something about Charlotte and Ian?"

"Are you retarded? Do I look like someone who wants to hear that?"

Anger started boiling in her. "Then what do you want to talk about!?"

"Hmmmm.... tell me something about your family. And the house you live in."

"Ah, o-okay."

And so she told him about the roses, jasmines and lilies in her garden. She told him about her parents and sister, and even a bit of her neighbor. She told him the life stories she had with them. He laughed at some of them, he didn't show any expressions in some of them, but he listened carefully to all of them.


The two looked behind them and saw Ms. Heather, their first-year homeroom teacher, standing by the entrance.

"Your father is here to pick you up. He's waiting for you by the gate. You're luggage is already with him."

"Thank you. I'll be there in a minute."

The teacher turned and left.

Vivian stood up steadily. She looked back at Victor, who was staring up at her.

"So, I guess, this is goodbye, huh?" She tried to smile, but it was too painful to leave another friend.

But she didn't want to appear weak in front of him and cry. She wanted leave an image of her strength in his mind.

"Yeah, I guess it is." He whispered.

She gave him her hand. He stared at it her palm for a few seconds before grasping it and shaking it. After shaking each others' hands, he let go of it.

"Goodbye, Vivian."

"Goodbye, Victor."

She walked through the garden to the entrance casually, remembering so many things that came to mind as she passed. She did so much her, the memories would be hard to forget now.

As she stood by the entrance, she turned around one last time to look at him more time. He was looking up at the trees, his black hair slightly blowing.

She kept gazing at him, until she finally went away. She knew that this was the last time they'll see each other again.

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