Garden Lights - Chapter 26

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The weather of a new morning was bright and sunny. All were up and busy, for another day began. But for a certain house, things were slow as a loud sneeze boomed.

"Are you okay, Sis?"

The younger sister worryingly placed a hand on her older sister's forehead.

"Do I look okay to you?" She sniffed.

"You certainly look grumpy as always, so that's good sign," a third voice erupted cheerfully.

But the sick patient glared daggers at her. "Shut up, Gracie! Why are you even here!?"

"To look after you, Fernie." She giggled.

"Someone has to stay behind and look after you and mom." Vivian interjected.

"I can't believe you got your mother sick too."

"Shut up! I'll kill you!" A wild cough escaped Fern's lips, and Vivian patted her back as she did. Vivian turned to her neighbor and friend.

"You sure you'll be okay with Sis and mom?"

"Don't you worry your cute little head, Vivi. I've got this covered."

"I suddenly feel sicker." Fern mumbled.

"That means we need to nurse you right away." She pushed a thermometer into her mouth, making Fern almost gag. "Go to college and study, Vivian. Don't worry about these two."

"Okay. Thanks for watching them."

She bid them goodbye, as well as her mother, before heading out on her way to the university.

Half a day went by at a turtle's pace, with a break in-between for two hours before next class. She was sitting on a bench, a can of cola in hand. She gazed at the people and thought of her sister and mother, hoping the two were okay and Gracie wasn't exhausted from taking care of two sick people. Of course, she would never complain, maybe tease about it, but it never bothered her. She only hoped that Gracie also didn't catch what they had.

Vivian felt lonely, all her friends had classes, but, for the first time, she felt alone. What changed? And that's when she realized something was missing. Someone was missing.

Bobby's not here today either.

She was so used to his company that he became a part of her routine. It felt strange without him, and did the only thing she thought of.

She drank her juice.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

"Hello?" She picked it up.

"Hey, Vivian."

"What's up, Cassie?"

"Not much but that I'm stressed out."


"We have project to do for class and all of us are finally done with our parts, but we don't know if Bobby has. Hell, he hasn't even showed to class in a few months. If any member doesn't do their part, the whole team is screwed."

"Alright, what do you need me to do?"

"Do you have his number? 'Cuz he's not picking up."

She frowned. "What makes you think he'll pick up my call?"

"'Cuz you two are old friends."

"Who told you that?"

"He did."

She sighed. "Is the deadline close?"

"Yeah, in three days. We're worried. Please contact him for me and tell him about the project."

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