Garden Lights - Prologue

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The Moon in the nighttime sky shone so bright and beautifully, with so many small stars twinkling in its way. The summer night breeze in the air blew so calmly over the person entering the garden. The garden, planted with kinds of flowers and trees, would have been very dark if the Moon, in its full phase, did not shine tonight. There were cherry blossom trees, apple trees, and pear blossom trees mostly. As for the flowers, there were all types planted and bloomed by the sides and edges of the garden in an organized pattern. The smell of fresh white lilies, which mostly bloomed there, made the atmosphere even calmer.

A young woman, with amber eyes and graceful features, walked as her eyes followed everywhere in the garden. The woman was in her late-twenties. She had long black hair hanging loose just above her waist. She wore a simple but elegant white gown which supported her beauty. She continued looking here and there in the bushes, flowerbeds and trees.

"Where could he be?" she wondered.

She walked on to the path near the blue hydrangea bushes were planted. As she slowed her footsteps, a strong white light flashed behind her back. She turned around in curiosity. Her hands shielded her eyes due to the intense light. When she saw clearly, her removed her hands from her face and looked down at her feet. The spot lights shone near the area around her. It was intense that the Moon's light was no longer necessary for her. Then, suddenly, music started playing.

The woman had no idea what was going on. She became confused. But she became even more confused when she heard the rustling of bushes near her. She turned her eyes to the moving bush, but smiled at what came out.

A young man of the same age as hers, wearing a black suit and bow, revealed himself. He had a sweet and satisfied smile on his face and a bundle of a dozen purple lilacs wrapped in a transparent sheet with a pink ribbon tied in his arms.

"Happy anniversary!" he said gleefully, like a small child who just received candy. But his handsome and tall features made him definitely look like a man.

"Is this where you were?" the woman replied, smiling. "So this is what you were so busy doing today."

"Hey, I have to keep the surprises to keep the romance fresh."

She laughed a little. "Well, it's good that you remembered. I figured you forgot."

"Oh come one, Vivian! As if I'd forget the best day of my life!" he said in complete seriousness. "This was the day that, seven years ago, I had finally claimed you as mine forever, and not that other guy."

He put the flowers down on the grass beside his feet and walked over to his wife.

"That other guy has a name."

"Like I care!"

He took her hand in his and placed it near his lips. He planted a small kiss on her hand, but it was enough to send shivers down her back. There was a light blush on her cheeks as she saw him smiling at her with those beautiful eyes of his.

His hand which held hers interlocked her slender fingers in his. He then placed his free hand on her waist and moved her body, along with his own, to the rhythm of the music. They waltzed together for minutes, indulging in each others' warmth and love.

"Has it really been seven years?" she asked as she breathed into his broad chest.

"Uh-huh. Seven years of happiness with you, Vivian," he said looking down at her lovingly, "But there will be seven more years to come. And seven more after that. And seven more even after..."

"So, basically, all eternity," she interrupted.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "Because it's like I said on our wedding day in our vows." He squeezed her closer to him, which made them stop for a while, and whisper into her ear, "I won't ever let you go."

She blushed even more, but she was happy. The man who was holding her tight loved her immensely, just as she loved him. No words could describe the love they felt for one another. They already knew it.

"W-we should get ready for the party," she said, getting nervous of the way he said that to her.

She tried to get away but he refused to let her go.

"We've got plenty of time before they arrive," he said, "Besides; I want to spend more time with you alone right now."

They continued dancing to the music, a tune which had played on their wedding day. He looked up at the Moon as she looked down, her face still in his chest.

Vivian was happy with her life right now. She lived a life of love and bliss with the man beside her. To her, he was very intimate. There were times when he was really possessive. But he was sweet and gentle. He wasn't perfect at times, but to her he was enough.

Things weren't always easy for her. Vivian learned that the hard way by experiencing many painful things. But they were worth going through as she reached the perfect ending. Even today, after many years, she hasn't forgotten those moments. The secrets, the laughs, and the hardships. They were all there in her life. In his too. Slowly, the music went on, she recalled the very first time she had experienced that thing people called "love" and "heartache".

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