Garden Lights - Chapter 27

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The day was dry. It was actually very hot and some wished for the rain to come back. Vivian, herself, was gulping down an entire bottle of cold water she just purchased. Classes were over so it was time to go home. It was too hot to go anywhere.


She thought someone called her and looked up. Running to her was Bobby.

"Hey, Vivian!"

"Hey, Bobby." She saw the sweat pour on him. It was stupid of him o run in this heat.

"You busy?"

"As you can see, I'm not." She lifted her bottle up with a smile.

"Cool. So, listen, there's this new pizza place that just opened up. Wanna check it out?"

She instantly knew what this was. She didn't feel like going because of this heat, but the begging eyes on Bobby stopped her from declining.

Before she could decline, she interrupted.


She looked behind her, as a hand was placed. Behind her was Victor, standing casually.

"What's up?"

"Victor? What are you doing here?"

"Grandpa forgot something at home so I came to deliver it to him. I saw you so I'd thought I'd say hi."

He took a quick glance at the boy near her, who glared at him with annoyance.

"Were you in the middle of something important?" Victor asked.

"Yes," Bobby answered. "Vivian, is this the Victor you told me about?"

"Yes. Bobby, meet Victor. Victor, meet Bobby."

The two men looked at each other and then glared full on.

"Oh. You're Bobby." Victor spat.

Both recognized each other.

"Yeah." He looked at Vivian, and his eyes softened. "So, Vivian, about this pizza place...."

"Oops, sorry, buddy," Victor intervened, "But she's got plans with me."

"What? No, I don't."

"You do. That coffee place you told me about." He looked away a bit and whispered. "I can't find it."

"It's really close by."

"Well, it's far from my reach."

"Wow. The all great and super smart Victor has terrible navigation skills." She gloated with a teasing smile.

It embarrassed him further.

"Shut up! I don't my way well around this area. And," He paused. "I figured we'd talk too. We... don't get time spend with each other."

She sighed. She could use their cold coffee.

"Okay fine." She turned to bobby. "Sorry, Bobby, some other time maybe."

"... Sure...."

With that Bobby left.

"You guys... back together?" Victor rubbed his neck.

"What? No! We're just friends!"

"Uh-huh. No need to shout though."

"I wasn't shouting!"


He turned and started walking. Vivian sighed and followed him. They walked in silence until Victor stopped near a car.

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